
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


July 2016

New Moon in Leo and Year One: Check

Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey over the past year since I started doing readings:) So happy to be at the Golden Braid in SLC, can’t wait to see what happens next!

Here’s a video of me talking about the Leo New Moon!

EDITS: It’s not Venus and Mars conjunct, it’s Venus and MERCURY. So scrap what I said, this time will be sensual rather than overtly sexual. We will want to communicate in a detailed way the beautiful things we are attracting in terms of creativity and recreation. Then with the trine to Uranus in Aries, that energy is electrified and we’re able to tap into innovation, the future almost reaches out through creative endeavors. We will want to gracefully speak on the insights and inspirations we are having.

Venus and Mercury are actually square Mars, but as Mars moves out of Scorpio, I think the conversation with Uranus will help us through any tensions that might arise. We might feel some friction, but we’ll have another kind of understanding that will lead the way.

Something I also forgot to mention is that there are no air signs activated, like the last full moon. Air energy is mental and intellectual and has everything to do with communication. Keeping the windows open to let some fresh air in will be needed. Like, it’s great to have other perspectives, but I think that the kinds of fires being lit and fueled right now go beyond words. This lunation, for me, is about experiencing rather than analyzing, doing rather than planning, feeling rather than thinking. There are things that are intuitive, and this time is very personal. Trust your inner voice and follow your creative spark. Talk less, do more.

Again, thank you profusely for your support! Like my page on FB, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and check us out at!

Setting forward an intention as I go into my second year, I’m thinking about the end of Jupiter in Virgo transit: working on the details and generating more content, more consistently. Stay tuned for planetary transit updates, natal chart position breakdowns, and the continuation of the houses and moon cycle discussions. If there’s anything in particular you’d be interested in hearing about, let me know in the comments or on FB. Excited to move forward!



New Moon in Cancer

Hi everybody:)

The new moon is on the 4th of July (Independence Day or Excessive Fireworks Party in the US:) at 4.03am MST. This is a powerful new moon because the Moon will be joining the Sun at 12° her home sign of Cancer. This is the sign of the Mother, the feminine source of life from which all life springs and is nurtured. Its element is water, and is the second cardinal sign. This marks a new quadrant in the zodiac, where the soul begins and we start feeling things deeply (the first three signs deal with the physical realm, the next three emotional, the next three mental, and the last three spiritual). Cancer is the seat of the soul as it were.

The Cardinal quality of the sign gives Cancer the ability to initiate energy and activity by the force of their emotions. Its connection to the moon makes this energy ebb and flow like the tides. The tidal flow as well as the currents of the river to the sea are the most apt analogies for Cancer energy. Cancer women, especially, are cosmically tied to this energy and indeed, their emotional tides are the water and waves. The men aren’t the waves in the literal sense the women are, they are riding the waves. It’s important for Cancer people to learn their flows, and in time they will be able to harness these changes. As young people, the emotions they so strongly feel can be overwhelming. When they are excited, they have a hard time CONTROLLING THE VOLUME OF THEIR VOICE. They have infectious moods and can feel other people like reading a book.

Cancer rules over the breasts (Mother, remember?) as well as the stomach. Many Cancerians have deep feelings and intuitions, and I always trust the gut reaction of those folks in my life. Its animal totem is the side-stepping Crab, and like their symbol, these folks can be very indirect in their approach. Also like the Crab, they can cling with tenacity to those things they love, like none of the rest of us can understand love. Security is a keyword with Cancer, in the sometimes harsh tides of life they seek to find a safe place where they won’t be tossed around by the waves. They carry their home on their backs (can be HUGE hoarders…like, I love y’all but COME ON), and can withdraw if they feel at all threatened (they often do, and can be fantastic hermits). The motto of the sign is “I FEEL,” and no one can do that like them. Their physical health is directly tied to their emotional health, if they feel depressed or frazzled they can and generally will quickly become sickly. They seek to nurture because they can understand, they seek nurturing from the churning tides.

So! The new moon is the time to lay low, rest and restore, make plans to be enacted as the moon waxes. This time is when the emotional place has no light from the sun, we are at our most raw and primal. Our emotional energies are subconscious, under the surface in the world below. The Moon here in her own sign feels at home, our emotional impulses will be strong, almost overwhelmingly so. Depending on your chart, this could trigger dreams or psychic impressions. I think it’s a good idea to realize the emotions that will be flowing are doing as they’re meant to, we might not understand our own motivations and deeply felt reactions consciously til later. Trust your feelings as the moon is dark, this is your subconscious speaking to you in a much stronger way than at other new moons. People might be dramatic af, to be perfectly honest, but everyone is going to be vibing hard on these flowing feelings. An important element of this new moon is the retreat thing: go recharge your batteries, get all up in your feelings and let the tide wash over you.

Goals and meditations during this time are connected to emotions, your past, your parents-especially your mom, your home, and your own private emotions. Cancer’s ties to the 4th house make everything very deeply felt and personal. People might not get all up in your shell, and you might not wanna come outta there. That’s OK. Because this, like my hilarious Cancer friend jokes in v public situations, “IS PRIVATE.” There will also be a juicy trine to Neptune in Pisces, the emotions will run deep and we’ll be primed to tune in to the Universal Frequency. More dreams and vibey psychic flows.

This new moon cycle is about the emotional drives, the search for security. By the time we get to the full moon, we’ll have to take concrete Capricorn action with all these touchy-feely vibes going on now. Soak up all the impressions and even the smallest feelings you experience now, they’ll help you in practical ways in a few weeks. It takes place in the 2nd decan, so it’s infused with Scorpio energy; according to Devore, the new moon will be nuanced by: “revelation, resourcefulness, energy; powerful emotions; the struggle with sex.”

Interesting features of this new moon! First of all, the Sun and Moon, Venus, and Mercury will ALL be opposition Pluto over there in Cap. There is a need to balance all these crazy feelings with the transformations we are all experiencing collectively. There might be power struggles if Pluto is pulling too hard, I’m thinking this might be work-related? Basically the pull from the security we’re v much aware of vs. our public obligations and transitions. We’re gonna be all up in our feelings, there might be friction.

The other balancing act I’ve mentioned in previous posts. It’s the opposition of Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. This is the dissolving of the subconscious into the Universe vs. the expanding day-to-day details we taking care of all the time. The pull between the soul-mind and the earth body. This opposition creates, with the Cancer/Capricorn opposition, what is called a Mystic Rectangle. That means that these two oppositions aren’t as tense or abrasive as say, the grand cross we just went through. It’s tighter angles, creating trines and sextiles that make the energy easier to deal with. There are flows easing the tensions, and helping to keep each extreme balanced. People with this aspect in their birth chart often have unusual gifts, insights, or viewpoints. So there’s a lot of craziness, but there’s also a lot helping us out during this new moon.

Trust your gut feelings and allow yourself to recharge and replenish during this time. Doing things will happen later, and you’ll have more insight if you’re rested and ready. Make a blanket fort and cry it out, alright? 😉

If you would like a personal reading, you can contact the folks at the Golden Braid in SLC, or at to set up a time. We can meet in person or on the phone!

Good luck and godspeed,



Thanks for the timely info:

Also referenced my ephemeris, as well as the ancient Devore ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASTROLOGY. Also checked some facts in SEXTROLOGY by Starsky and Cox.

Yoinked the moon image from Thanks y’all!

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