Yo yo yo,

So the Great Conjunction happened at 0° Aquarius on 12/21/20, bringing Aquarius energy to the material plane in a way that has never happened in anyone living’s lifetime. Pluto, the planet of generational change and conflict, will be shifting from its transit in Capricorn from about 2008 to the sign of Aquarius. Because Pluto spends about half the year in retrograde, it will pass over the theshold of Aquarius, and thus, over the Great Conjunction three times in the next few years. In short, change is rapidly approaching on a grand material level.

Here are the dates for Pluto’s passage over the Great Conjunction and shifting into Aquarius:

  • Pluto enters Aquarius at 5.13am MST on 3/23/23 and remains until 3.47am MDT on 6/11/23 while retrograde
  • Pluto re-enters Aquarius at 5.50pm MST on 1/20/24 and remains until 6.10pm MDT on 9/1/24 while retrograde
  • Pluto re-enters Aquarius at 1.29pm MST on 11/19/24 and remains until shifting into Pisces on 3/8/43

I predict unrest and conflict as these dates progress, probably linked to the US election cycle. Literally looks real wild. Don’t check Nostradamus’ predictions for this year. Trying not to be a tinfoil hat mf but really considering stocking up…

Me talking more lol: