
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


January 2022

Pluto and the Great Conjunction

Yo yo yo,

So the Great Conjunction happened at 0° Aquarius on 12/21/20, bringing Aquarius energy to the material plane in a way that has never happened in anyone living’s lifetime. Pluto, the planet of generational change and conflict, will be shifting from its transit in Capricorn from about 2008 to the sign of Aquarius. Because Pluto spends about half the year in retrograde, it will pass over the theshold of Aquarius, and thus, over the Great Conjunction three times in the next few years. In short, change is rapidly approaching on a grand material level.

Here are the dates for Pluto’s passage over the Great Conjunction and shifting into Aquarius:

  • Pluto enters Aquarius at 5.13am MST on 3/23/23 and remains until 3.47am MDT on 6/11/23 while retrograde
  • Pluto re-enters Aquarius at 5.50pm MST on 1/20/24 and remains until 6.10pm MDT on 9/1/24 while retrograde
  • Pluto re-enters Aquarius at 1.29pm MST on 11/19/24 and remains until shifting into Pisces on 3/8/43

I predict unrest and conflict as these dates progress, probably linked to the US election cycle. Literally looks real wild. Don’t check Nostradamus’ predictions for this year. Trying not to be a tinfoil hat mf but really considering stocking up…

Me talking more lol:

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius/Capricorn 1/14-2/3/22

My dearest AstroHoes (I’m playing with the name ok),

It is my deepest regret to inform you that the dreaded time has returned, as it often does. Yup, it’s ’bout to be Mercury Retrograde again. And you thought last spring’s one in Gemini and last fall’s one in Libra (yikes!) were crazy?? Well get into the rounding out of the air signs as we move backward from Aquarius into Capricorn during the next couple of weeks!

Here’s a quick breakdown of the dates:

  • Mercury enters retrograde shadow zone at 24 Cap on 12/29/21 – PHASE I
  • Mercury stations retrograde at 10 Aqu on 1/14/22 (4.41am MST) – PHASE II
  • Mercury retrogrades into Cap on 1/25/22 (8.05pm MST)
  • Mercury stations direct at 24 Cap on 2/3/22 (9.13pm MST) – PHASE III
  • Mercury enters Aqu again on 2/14/22 (2.54pm MST)
  • Mercury exits shadow zone at 10 Aqu on 2/24/22

So real quick again, a retrograde is a time where the earth’s orbit gets inside of another planet’s orbit and it appears to move backward through the night sky. It happens about three or four times a year with Mercury because it’s moving faster inside its closer orbit.

The common advice during Mercury Retrograde is that communication will come to a halt, not to sign contracts, etc. Because it’s the planet of intellect and expression, it broadly points to a time where you will be changing your mind and coming to different conclusions. Signals and wires are said to be crossed during this time, so being careful to cross your t’s and dot your i’s is paramount.

In the sign of Aquarius, Mercury is in top form, and it needs to be because it affects everyone. Aquarius is group dynamics, not only where you belong and identify, but as an individual what you bring to the table. People might be feeling out of sorts when it comes to group dynamics, feeling like they don’t belong. The thing is though, this time is to specifically reevaluate whether or not you feel like you want to be sitting at the table to begin with. Not just do they want me, but do I really want them? -type vibes. Are the people I’m surrounding myself with supporting my goals and dreams? Visions of the future are Aquarius af, who’s with you in your vision?

Then as Mercury backs up into Capricorn, the mood changes from hopes and dreams and friends and whatnot to a what am I doing with my life? -type vibe. It gets a lot more practical. Not just the yearning for formless dreams, but the planning on how to specifically achieve them. We’re also moving from an air north node to an earth north node during this time, which will be a little preview of the year ahead. Brainstorming time is coming to a close, as Mercury digs up old business in Cap, it’s go time.

The Retrograde over the Conjunction and America’s Pluto Return are some pretty big omens for the year ahead and thru 2024. The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn represents the ability of the masses to bring future vision into the physical realm, which is now Aquarius – or people power – in a way it’s never been before. This is making some prematurely say it’s the Age of Aquarius, but it’s not yet. We’re literally waking up to what it’s gonna take, and in true Aquarius fashion, it’s gonna take all of us. We’re all going to have to start doing things differently. Something I’m thinking of right before I post this is how they’re gonna try to keep fuckin selling us normal lol, getting back to something. Stop doing normal, stop trying to go back. Do different, do now. This time will bring this to awareness.

Venus Retrograde ALSO in Capricorn is coming to a close at the end of the month, and just a few days after, Mercury will go direct. My prediction is this little bubble of breathing room during the last couple weeks during the holiday season are coming to a close and shit’s about to speed up real quick.

Also Mercury Retrograde happening over the Great Conjunction and America’s Pluto Return is going to facilitate some crazy happenings in the US. The Republican tax reform of a couple years ago is solidifying more and more, and as we head into tax season I think people are going to be pissed. There are also some huge Supreme Court rulings coming out over the next couple weeks, I’m not expecting to be pleased about it? Lol

Check out this video for more juice lol:



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