
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


March 2019

New Moon in Pisces 3/6/19

Hey ho,

The new moon in Pisces is upon us, all washed away with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces as well. New moons are when the moon is dark and the sun and moon return to the same point. Over the course of the month they separate and become full and wind down again. This is said to be a fertile time where new energy can be born and developed to its maturity on the full moon. New moon seeds, full moon harvests.

Pisces is the mutable water sign. This means they respond to the their environment emotionally. If water signs Moon Cancer is the tides and the rivers and Pluto Scorpio is the ice caps and pressurized caves, Neptune Pieces is the deep ocean current and the evaporated water in the atmosphere. Pisces picks up on EVERYTHING. And the sign is a combination of all previous 11 signs of the zodiac.

It’s associated with the depths of the subconscious, and to connection to the Other Side. It’s where our whole identity washes away and we are one with the universe.

Check out this chart! Mercury Retrograde conjunction Moon at 29° Pisces, all up on that Midheaven. No wonder I’ve been doing videos recently. Also Neptune rules cameras.

And check out this video, too:

New Moon in Pisces 3/6/19

Basically, get into the deep end. We’ll have a unique opportunity to merge and see things from another point of view. Don’t get drowned in the emotional flooding, submit and allow it to wash away what’s past.



P.S. I used my ephemeris, my


Hi everyone,

It’s the first Mercury Rx of the year, out of three in mostly the water or emotional energy signs. Grab the tissues, amirite, water signs? So real quick, a retrograde happens when our relative orbit makes the planet seem to slow down and reverse motion in the night sky. There are actually 3 parts to a retrograde event:

  1. The Shadow Zone. Not an 80’s movie, this is when the planet first moves through the area of the zodiac (we keep track by °) the retrograde occurs. In this instance, Mercury will be backing up to 16° Pisces from 29° – the last degree in all the zodiac. Mercury first entered 16° Pisces on February 3. What does this mean? Any cycles or major themes in relation to Mercury-ruled stuff will be reexamined during the retrograde. As I mention in the video, February was rough for me. Can’t wait for this nonsense.
  2. The Retrograde. This is where all the nonsense happens. Whatever was wound up during the Shadow Zone gets unwound during the retrograde. Or tangled af. The energy of the retrograde is enhanced as we are closer to the planet than at other times of the year. It’s said that Mercury goes underground, or subconscious, during this time. Things break down, agreements, relationships, cars. Basically things get wonky – and it’ll be best if you don’t make big decisions during this time. You will probably change your mind later.
  3. The Shadow Zone Again but for the 3rd Pass. This is where we have to go back and pick up all the pieces. This takes us from March 28 to bout…April 14 or whatever I said on the video? And in the sign of Pisces, we might get washed away in our emotions – I know I already have been.

So anyway check out this video, I talk more bout it:

dramatic background for dramatic mercury retrograde

Also this energy resonates throughout the New Moon in Pisces cycle beginning March 6. We will be open to all sorts of emotional influences wer might not be used to.


P.S. Used my ephemeris and Jim Maynard’s mini planner to get the dates and times for this stuff.

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