
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


December 2016

Mercury Retrograde 12/19-1/8

Hi everyone!

We’re already a couple of days deep into the latest Mercury Retrograde! It stationed retro on Monday, Dec. 19 at 15 degrees of Capricorn,  and will go until stationing direct at 28 degrees of Sagittarius on January 8 of next year. Here’s a quick list of dates pertinent to this Rx:

  • Mercury in Shadow Zone (thru area that Retrograde backs up to): 12/2-1219
  • Mercury Retrograde from 15 Cap to 28 Sag (backing up): 12/19-1/8
  • Mercury in Shadow Zone (once more thru the same area): 1/8-1/29

A retrograde is a time when a planet seems to slow down and stop, then proceed backward for a time. The planets don’t really change direction, of course, it’s all an optical illusion based on the Earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun. Mercury, the fastest moving planet, goes retro about three or four times a year. When a planet goes retrograde, it’s generally the thought that the energy expression of the planet goes inward. So for Mercury, the planet of intellect, communication, and expression, it kind of gums up the works. ‘They’ say not to sign contracts or make major life decisions during this time, because in general, we’re not ‘thinking straight.’ Arguments and disagreements might pop up a lot during this time, but if we are aware of the energy, we can choose a different outcome.

This Mercury Retrograde is very similar to the short one we experienced in January, which I described here: Mercury Rx in Cap January 2016.  I think this retrograde is so similar because we are dealing with the repercussions of choices made during the last retrograde in Capricorn. What have we done to reach the goals we set during the new year? Mercury stops right on top of Pluto for a couple of days around the 19th, so we will be aware of situations dealing with power struggles and deep transforming truth. It will be a theme of the entire retrograde: How am I building my career? What are my goals in larger terms, aka what will be my legacy? Who or what is at odds with these goals?

However, there are some differences with the current configuration. Jupiter in the sign of Libra is activating a T-square (a very tense aspect). Jupiter is expanding relationships in the sign of Libra, the scales are evening out. People are more willing (and really, more in need) to help others, and imbalances in the give and take have a spotlight on them right now. This is in almost direct opposition with Uranus in Aries, which is zapping that relationship energy with a tug-of-war of individuality and personal power. We are expanding in our relationships right now because we are experiencing an internal revolution in the way we see ourselves. This is creating chain reactions of collaborative efforts and I’m definitely seeing people redefining themselves because of how they are relating to each other. Artistic folks are brimming with ideas and itching to get them out of the ether. Both of these planets are at at a square (the most tense aspect) to Pluto -and Mercury- in Capricorn. Pluto is transforming how we present ourselves to the world. We are evolving, and the T-square in effect through next year, basically, means that this is a time of critical attention. Things seem tense because we are reevaluating what we are putting into the world at large, due to the personal revelations we are having because everyone’s bouncing off of new energy right now.

Also, thinking about the progression of retrogrades this year, it’s interesting to me how they’ve moved through the earth signs. The one in January started in Aquarius, then moved back through Capricorn. This gave the opportunity to reflect on our dreams, and what actions we take to manifest them. Then in April and May, we shared the retrograde through Taurus, the first earth sign, in which we took a look at our values and self-esteem (am I getting paid what I’m worth? Am I creating what I want to see in the world? What is my power to create?). Later in August and September, we experienced the retrograde in Virgo, the second earth sign, in which Mercury in its home sign really helped us navigate the details of HOW we get things done, when we do, and whether that is eating up our time or really paying off. Now we’re back to the Capricorn Mercury Retrograde, and having gone through the steps this year, are ready to review what our goals are and whether or not we achieved them.

Interestingly, we started this retrograde madness this year in Aquarius (January 5-8, 2016), and are ending it with a pass through Sagittarius (January 5-12, 2017). What this says to me is that our hopes and dreams, and possibly even group relations set us on a journey of building this year. We went through the earth signs on our Mercury Retrograde journey of 2016, which is all about what we manifest and create in physical reality. It’s been a critical year, and this retrograde is all about stringing the choices we’ve made together into something cohesive and lasting. What we leave behind seems more important now than maybe earlier this year, maybe it wasn’t something we were thinking about before. Near the end of this cycle of retrogrades, we will be passing through Sagittarius one more time. This means that the influence of others will have less sway than it did when we started almost a year ago. We’ve learned a lot, seen a lot, and there’s no going back to where we were before. This final movement through Sag will ensure we are standing in our own truth. If we are not, this cycle will be quite jarring. If we are not willing to observe the truth, even if it is uncomfortable, we will not be able to properly create the world we want to live in. This is a critical time, where we must be willing to see truth, to speak truth, and to take right action.

Thanks so much for reading, and look forward to some changes by the end of this retrograde. Going over all the details has my mind spinning with possibilities!



P.S. Used my ephemeris for the dates and the Buddha Board at Golden Braid books with an Instagram filter for my image:)

Sag Season-Sun Shift 11/21 & New Moon 11/29


Scorpio season sent me underground:) AND I started writing this over a week ago, but here I am, the day after again. What are you gonna do? But now it’s time to come back into the light. So! Here’s my thoughts on the yesterday’s New Moon in Sagittarius.

New moons are when the moon is dark. The Sun and Moon meet at the same point, and then the moon grows and shines full, then wanes and dies again. When they are at the same point, the conjunction gives birth to a new moon cycle. So they say that New Moon is a time to lie low, to be receptive to the energies that are passing through. It’s a time for planning, gestating, recharging the batteries and channeling your intentions for the month ahead.

Because the moon is in the umbra of the Earth’s shadow, it doesn’t reflect the sun’s light. The metaphor here is that the light of consciousness, represented by the sun, is not shining in the subconscious, intuitive, emotional areas ruled by the moon. Basically, we aren’t aware of our impulses and things tend to come up from inside without our conscious control. Our more primal nature has more sway at these times.

The term ‘shadow’ has a lot of meanings, but new moons are a perfect time to embrace the different connotations. It’s my feeling that it’s as important to stand in your shadow as it is to stand in your light. Because everything exists on a spectrum of opposites, light and dark could not exist without each other. They each have their purpose and their time. New Moons are a time for the dark corners of your subconscious to thrive. It’s important to let your mind, your heart, your chakras, however you want to frame the conversation, that those energies have time to rest and be free beyond the confines of what we think we know and can control.

The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place at 5:19 am MST on November 29. This moon cycle is all about coming out from the subterranean depths of Scorpio and into the fiery light. We experience deep truths under Scorpio influence, hidden mysteries. The skeletons in the closet get dug up. And in Sagittarius, that new knowledge is fuel toward seeking truth. Sagittarius is linked to the 9th House of the chart and keywords are philosophy, transcendence, higher learning, foreign countries. Sag energy pushes us to expand (like its ruler, Jupiter) our awareness and to follow our own path, regardless of what we learned in our youth (represented by the opposite sign of Gemini/3rd House). This moon cycle is giving birth to a new way of seeing the world outside of our own experience. A different impulse is going to arise from the new moon in regards to how we are collectively, and personally, relating to issues of beliefs, ideals and learning. We will be having a fresh take on what is truly working for our most good.

Part of what’s taken me so long to write this is describing the influence of the two T-squares going on, activated during this whole moon cycle. The first is the new moon as well as Saturn square the north node in Virgo AND Neptune in Pisces (one set of red triangles in my drawing). This describes a period of time where we are feeling very much pulled between our spiritual nature and connection to all of creation against knowing that this time is all in the mundane, real details that, strung together, make up a life. Our test now is our awareness of the balance of these things, and the trials the arise in trying to keep that balance. We are being tested now by Saturn to ensure that our dreams and our realities are in balance. This moon cycle is a checkpoint to make sure our philosophies are in accordance with this tension. Everything exists on a spectrum of opposites, and this time will help us determine at which point we need to be, if we are open to its influence. It can be very trying.

The other T-square is the opposition of Uranus in Aries to Jupiter in Libra, both square Pluto conjunct Venus in Capricorn. This describes a time when who we are publicly is transforming, and attention is called to the revolutions going on in the self, and the growth and expansion of relationships. Jupiter in Libra is mixing up our social interactions; we seem to be meeting a lot of new people and finding new layers in existing relationships. If anything has been out of balance with our personal relationships, we’ve been noticing an evening out. People seem to be wanting to help us, or conversely, people seem to need more from us more than usual. This is now a tug-of-war with how we are envisioning ourselves. We’re seeing new possibilities within ourselves, and balancing that out with others seems to be more of a balancing act than before. These drives are encouraging us to become something different and deeper on the stage of the world at large. As it’s a T-square, this doesn’t feel great. The thing this new moon has going on is Venus joined forces with Pluto. That indicates these transformations we’re going through are softened by love. We’ll feel that the changes are for our benefit. They might even be for our profit, as both planets are tied to money.

Some beneficial influences activated by this new moon cycle are include the trine (blue lines) between Saturn/Mercury in Sag and Uranus in Aries, which indicates that we’ll have an easier time learning our lessons personally. The individual things we have to learn will have a free flow of energy, and like the earlier comment, we’ll have a feeling that our hard lessons to learn will help us find the vision we have for ourselves. The other is the trine between Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter in Libra. This is most excellent for group relations. We’ll feel like we’re getting things done when we’re getting them done together. And intriguingly, the things we get done well help fuel the transformations we’re a bit uncomfortable addressing in those T-squares.

I’m going to finish now before I wait another week to do it. One-on-ones seem to be a struggle, but thank goodness for the whole crew:) Thanks for reading, and sending you all the good vibes! Follow your own voice, stand in your own truth.



P.S. I only used my same ephemeris to prep this, and the drawing I did is from that.

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