
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


November 2021

Full Moon In Taurus 11/19 and Eclipses!


The Full Moon In Taurus is exact at 1.57am MST, with a 2.03am exact Partial Lunar Eclipse, at 27 Taurus. This is the height of activity for intentions set at the New Moon In Scorpio on 11/4, and winding down at the next New Moon In Sagittarius on 12/4.

Taurus is the sign of value and possessions. Self-esteem, how we value ourselves. And also as the first earth sign, it signifies what we do. What actions we take and what we create. Taurus’ fertile earth energy brings blossoms and Venus-ruled grace where it lands in the birth chart.

During this lunation we will be conscious of worth. Have the changes we’ve been making add value to what we’re trying to do? I think also as a part of the Scorpio New Moon cycle, this time will make us think about what we ourselves are bringing to the table. What is OUR worth? Are we fulfilling that and bringing it to the table?

I think this time will also highlight the various strikes and wage situations going on right now. Am I being paid what I’m worth?

This full moon will also be the first eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio that will last through Summer 2023. They have been along Gemini and Sagittarius since the beginning of 2020, but now the north node is shifting and will be from Gemini into Taurus on 1/18/22. That means that the energy we’re carrying through this Full Moon In Taurus cycle will reverberate through the next six months to a year.

What do you want to build that wasn’t there before? You couldn’t build this new thing if that old structure was still standing.



North Node in Taurus 1/18/22


The North Node will shift from Gemini into Taurus at 11.20am MST 1/18/22, and transit the sign until shifting into Aries at 1.46pm MDT on 7/17/23.

Here’s a list of the times the North Node has been in Taurus during the last century:

  • 1/18/22 – 7/17/23
  • 4/13/03 – 12/26/04
  • 9/11/84 – 4/6/86
  • 2/9/66 – 8/19/67
  • 8/2/47 – 1/25/49
  • 12/28/28 – 7/7/30
  • 3/23/10 – 12/7/11

Taurus is the sign of Value. And when the North Node is in a sign, that’s what we are in the process of learning. Common themes in history looking back on these dates include technological/medical breakthroughs, labor strikes and pay movements, human and civil rights milestones, the formation and dissolution of countries (borders in particular), as well as record-breaking natural disasters.

Coming from the mutable air node of Gemini, or changeable information, the Taurus North Node requires stability and concrete development. In this fixed earth sign, things that have been ideas until now can become a product or policy. Breakthroughs in genetics have heralded the last recurrences of this transit, with the Human Genome Project in 2003 and DNA “finger printing” in the 80s with public knowledge of the AIDS crisis. Pluto was discovered while the North Node was in Taurus, as well as neon lighting and superconductivity. Color TV and Talkies were each developed in their respective eras, developments of past transits from Gemini communication to Taurus creation North Node.

North Node in Taurus also brings social and political developments. It seems to me like these times are eras of progressive change and conservative reaction. We’re already looking at huge labor strikes as we approach the eclipses changing on the 19th, like the Coal Miners’ Strike in the 80s. Civil rights advances such as Loving v Virginia and Shelley v Kramer happened in their respective times during Taurus North Node. The Black Panthers were established during this transit. The Geneva Convention was established around the time of Gandhi’s 200-mile march. While in America the Freedom of Information Act was being established, China was beginning its Cultural Revolution. In an earlier time, America was facing the HUAC Blacklist, and in an earlier time the Motion Picture Code was established. In the early 20th century, the Standard Oil Antitrust suits broke up monopolies (Jims the camera).

This could really be true of any time, but I noticed a lot of record-breaking natural disasters happening during the North Node in Taurus. Also things like aircraft and spacecraft explosions. Heat waves, earthquakes, typhoons, you name it. The Great Fire of 1910 destroyed the Pacific Northwest, basically. The Earth sign of Taurus bout to explode some South Node Scorpio on our asses.

There’s also memorialization that happens during this time. About a hundred years ago, the Academy Awards were established under this influence. The Titanic was launched during this time. Kwanzaa was created during this time. We want to name things in definition during this transit, unlike the flighty and perhaps misleading Gemini North Node transit.

Countries also form or dissolve under this influence, notably India gaining independence from Britain around the same time as Israel is established as a state.

Check out this here video for more of me talking about this:



Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 12/19/21-1/29/22

Yo yo yo,

Here’s the shorthand dates for Venus Retrograde In Capricorn:

  • 11/18 – Enter Shadow Zone at 11° Capricorn
  • 12/19 – Station Retrograde at 26° Capricorn, 3.36am MST
  • 1/29 – Station Direct at 11° Capricorn, 1.46am MST
  • 3/2 – Exit Shadow Zone at 26° Capricorn

The glyph of Venus (♀️) shows the needs of the soul or sphere elevated above material needs or the cross. When a retrograde occurs, material or environmental needs are put above soul impulses. Venus retrograde in the sign of Capricorn invites us to evaluate our big picture. What is the overall plan, has it changed? Is our heart still in the same place? Changes to jobs, residence, and life paths will be on the forefront of everyone’s minds. Who am I now to the world? What does the world need from me, and am I willing to oblige? Reputations will be guarded with tooth and nail, ambitions abandoned. Like Mercury Retrograde in Libra this last fall, this transit will be a rough one. Lots of focus on structure, less so on nurturing.

Also with the holidays and supply chain, I’m predicting more strikes and shortages. Get ready now for a harsh winter. Capricorn is traditional and conservative, hard work is the emphasis.

Check out this video:)



New Moon In Scorpio 11/4

Hi y’all,

Tomorrow’s new moon is exact at 3.15pm MDT (Daylight Savings ends this Sunday!) at 12° Scorpio. This is the time to set new intentions dealing with release. Out with the old, in with the new. Leaves are falling in the northern hemisphere and winter is on its way.

Today (Wed 3) Mercury exits the shadow of Mercury Retrograde in Libra. We are able to move on to new topics and ideas, and into new territory of communication, likely deepening connections or intensity as Mercury zips through Scorpio through November 24. Mercury will enter Scorpio on Friday at 4.35pm MDT, preceded by Venus at 4.44am. All this Scorpio energy building up at this time seems like an invitation to make changes and let go of what’s not growing anymore. Because!…

The full moon in Taurus on November 9 will also be a Partial Solar Eclipse, changing the eclipses through summer of ’23. The actions of this month will echo through the next six months to a year or through next spring and fall’s eclipses. Wherever Taurus lands in your chart will be getting an overhaul over the next year or so.

Then right before the next New Moon In Sagittarius on 12/4, the outer generational planet Neptune will station direct. This watery spiritual delusional soupy love art magic planet is retrograde about half the year and will be direct through next summer. Because its cycles are so huge I generally don’t look too closely at Neptune, but stationing direct at this time might have effects. Like maybe weird dreams, or being overwhelmed by emotional stimuli, or suddenly being swept away in a current. Neptune dissolves and brings everything back to the ocean again, so wherever 20° Pisces is in your chart you might be feeling things, and not knowing where it came from. Just like this moon cycle, keep breathing and release.



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