Hi again,

The New Aquarius Moon occurs with a partial solar eclipse at 2.05pm MST on February 15, 2018. This eclipse occurs in relation to the Full Moon a few weeks ago and the Solar Eclipse last summer. As the north node falls in Leo this year, the eclipses mark the time as we negotiate the Leo (personal power-heart level) / Aquarius (people power-head level) axis. There’s another partial eclipse at the new moon in Leo this August, and at the full moon in Leo next January.

New moons are when the moon appears dark in the sky, signifying all the comes with night: sleepy, dreaming, primal, subconscious energy. Like plants need the dark of night to photosynthesize as well as the light of the sun, new moons are the time to go inward and restore your energy. With the additional eclipse energy, that subconscious drive is enhanced. What is inside will come out! And since we aren’t lit up with the conscious energy of the sun’s reflected light, those internal impulses are that much more compulsive. With all the hype around the 14th, and all of the expectations that people place on it, I think this week in particular is a good time to rest and get some relaxation.

The New Moon in Aquarius cycle has to do with your wishes and dreams, and all of the wonderful people around you helping you to make them real. Aquarius is people power, and how we as individuals relate to the groups we identify with. Through its 11th House association, Aquarius is how we take our opposite 5th House dreams and creative power and bring it out into the world and make it real. When people talk about ‘manifesting’ or ‘the law of attraction’, they are talking about 11th House Wishes and Dreams. This new moon time should be when we are planting the seeds that will come to fruition over the next month or so. What are the dreams you’d like to see advanced? How can sharing your wishes make them come true? Spend some time thinking-and talking-about that this next week. You’d be surprised how positively the people around you respond.

The eclipse happening here is significant because eclipses mark times of change, usually motivated by some crisis or external circumstances. The area of your chart that this occurs will show you where it will express in your own life, but in general this energy will affect our individuality in relation to groups. Eclipses always bring about the positive change that we need, but as I said, it can express itself as a moment of crisis, something that must be dealt with in a timely manner. These moments can be the crucible that reduces you to a quivering mess or it can refine your iron into steel. However it shows itself, what you do with it is up to you.

This moon cycle is very interesting because it kicks off in a classic bucket shape. At the time I’m writing this, the moon has almost caught up to the sun but the chart will look very much like this:

New Moon in Aqu2018 Chart

So basically we have all of the planets within six signs (Scorpio on top thru Aries on bottom-meaning all the energy is being activated thru relationships or on a social scale), and the north node over there in Leo (meaning your heart wants something waaaaay over here to what is going on with everyone else) acting as the handle of the bucket, or the Singleton, as they say. What does this mean? As I mentioned at the last new moon, this time in particular will be a keystone of whether you are truly living at your heart level. The north node in Leo this year is asking us to learn a lot of things. This new moon energy with the eclipse crisis is putting a spotlight on you! Are you moving toward your personal goals or are you spending your time on other people’s problems? Are you creating the kingdom that you want to rule over, or are you playing at leadership and acting a tyrant? Are you feeling happier, freer, more creative? If not, this energy will ask you why, and what you intend to do about it-and how your people can help you.

Thanks for reading, have an awesome month getting those dreams!



P.s. I referenced my ephemeris and THE ONLY ASTROLOGY BOOK YOU’LL EVER NEED by Joanna Woolfolk.