
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


September 2017

North Node in Leo 5/9/17-9/6/18

Hey ho,

This one has been a long time coming. I had a lot of ideas about it, but didn’t really know how to express them. So here goes.

The moon’s nodes are the points where the moon’s orbit around the earth crosses earth’s orbit around the sun. The north node is where the moon passes the earth’s orbit in front, and the south node is where it passes behind. They will always be opposite each other. In the natal chart the nodes indicate your soul’s journey through this life. The nodes represent where you are coming from and where you are going. The south node is what we already know or have carried with us from ‘past lives.’ This is our comfort zone, the place where we operate from an instinctual level. If we don’t overcome the challenges inherent to our south node, it will be impossible to move into the new territory of the north node.

The north node represents what we are here to learn in this life. It’s what we don’t know, what is foreign to us, and what we are here to master. The north node is the idealized version of ourselves, having learned and mastered the impulses of the south node to step into new territory.

The north node in Leo, in short, is about what you love doing and how doing that makes you the king or queen you are going to be. Leo is the sign of royalty, kingly or personal power, and creativity. Leo rules the heart and its passions. This next year is about stepping into your own personal interests and authority.

The way we get there is by honoring the lessons of the south node. In Aquarius (Leo’s opposite sign), people power is key. How does this affect not only me, but everyone else? This year means that we need to be moving away from putting others’ needs and especially wants before our own. It’s important to realize that we do fit into our groups, but now is the time to follow our own hearts. It’s the time to create boldly based on our own interests rather than checking in with the committee.

The lesson of moving from south node Aquarius to north node Leo is that in order to be a good ruler, one must understand the needs of the people. If you have mastered the south node in Aquarius, you operate from a place of harmony with others. You don’t overly depend on the opinions of social groups to get things done. But by the same token, you aren’t going to act tyrannically as you step into your Leo north node. You will have learned leadership skills and how to shine on your own.

This next year or so is you stepping into your own autonomy. What kind of ruler will you be? Will you follow your heart or try to exert control over others? Will you build up the People or be torn apart by them?

This lesson is personal and Universal. What kind of leaders will we be? How will we lead? It’s the time to step into the spotlight and use the force of your will (another Leo keyword) to create. What kind of leaders will we follow? What kind of kingdom are we creating for ourselves, and as the lesson of south node Aquarius teaches, for each other?



P.S. I used my ephemeris and the Buddha Board at the Golden Braid Bookstore to make this post.

P.P.S. You can call the Golden Braid Bookstore in SLC, UT at (801) 322-1162 for an appointment in person or over the phone. Thanks so much!

Full Moon in Pisces 9/6

oHey everyone,

It’s that time again! The full moon in Pisces happened at 12.03am MST on September 6, which means that it happened late the 5th on the west coast in the USA. This full moon is the culmination of the new moon in Leo that was also the Great American Total Eclipse that went down August 21. That means there’s a lot of mojo in the mix!

Full moons are the time to take action, when all the new moon seeds have been planted and are coming to fruition. The conscious Sun has our subconscious Moon lit af, fam. We are energized at this time at this time in particular because the sign of Pisces represents the subconscious, spiritual receptivity, and giving yourself up to dissolve back into the sea, into the eternal flow. Pisces people tend to take in a million different things at once, rather than zeroing in mentally like fellow water sign Scorpio, or feeling hit right in the Cancer-ruled stomach. They absorb everything around them, and sometimes have a hard time knowing if what they have absorbed from others is real or imagined. Pisceans are naturally incredibly receptive to even the slightest impressions, even other’s unconscious thoughts. They also might be getting impressions from the other side. And that’s the power of this moon: it brings what’s behind the curtain into full view.

Even though the most recent Mercury Retrograde has ended, many of the figures remain in the chart:

astro_w2gw.84927.36306[1]There are fires burning near my house and across America, and there is still the grand fire trine. So that’s coincidental. This particular trine has to do with Aries Uranus, Leo North Node/Mercury and Virgo Mars, and Sagittarius Saturn. There is a harmonious flow of energy between the self which evolves and resists definition (Aries Uranus), your fulfilling, creative learning and expression (Leo North Node and Mercury and Virgo Mars), as well as the test and trials in your higher learning and philosophical development (Saturn in Sagittarius).

The kite is also in full effect with Libra Jupiter sextiling the Leo and Sagittarius placements. The blooming of these energies is activated through the Other. This is your spouse, your friend, your business partner-your personal relationships. The last year has been a balancing act with the people in your life (more than at other times and not as a generic statement. More was required of you or for you than other years…things had to even out). Perhaps you had been off-balance before, and this year decided to even things out. Maybe you were totally square before, and found yourself suddenly off-kilter. Jupiter’s expansion meant that it became a different game keeping things together. A big way that I’m seeing this in action is watching people respond to the natural disasters going on right now-whether through volunteering, donating money and supplies, or spreading awareness of ways to help.

This is an intense full moon because the moon is conjunct or in the same place as Neptune in the sky. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, and its placement in our chart shows us where we are deeply connected to Spirit and possibly where we have been deluding ourselves. Like Pisces letting go and disseminating back into the universe, Neptune’s action is to dissolve the boundaries. It is considered a higher octave of Venus, and rules over cameras, the arts or muses, and illusion. Mixed with the feeling magnitude of the full moon, this combination will bring things up from underneath and shine a spotlight on them. And because it is in Pisces with the power of its ruler Neptune, we must carefully analyze what comes up now. It might be an illusion we see now, pulling us further and further out to sea. We need to make sure what comes up from this subconscious expedition is real if we are going to act on it.

Pluto sextiling the full moon will also help us to make any lasting changes that need to be made at this time. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and represents endings. Superpowered by its ruling planet Neptune, this full moon is inviting us to close the doors on any that may have been left ajar. This is a time to take action and finish the things that need to be completed. You shouldn’t wait-do the things now and then lay low on the next new moon in Virgo on September 19/20 (depending on where you live). As the moon wanes, we should follow and complete any intentions before the next joining of the Moon and Sun.



P.S. Used my Buddha Board and ephemeris to look at this stuff, as well as a reference or two to SEXTROLOGY by Starksy & Cox.

Eclipse Reflections while Mercury Stations Direct

Hey hey hey,

Early this morning, Mercury stopped retrograding and stationed direct. That means it slowed down and will appear to be at the same point in the sky until it moves from 28 to 29 degrees of Leo. Mercury is the planet of intellect and expression and when it retrogrades, communication gets wonky. As I mentioned, it backed up exactly to the point where the Solar Eclipse took place on August 21 and will stay there til this Friday, September 8. This means we will be processing the information and changes sparked by the eclipse, that had been building up since Mercury started this process by passing over 28 degrees Leo on July 25.

First of all, the eclipse was the second new moon in Leo this year! For me what this says is that whatever was trying to spark on a personal, creative, playful heart level was trying to really get the fire going. New moons are when the sun and moon are in the same place in the sky, and the metaphorical joining of the masculine and feminine. It represents a birth, giving a new impulse through the next moon cycle until the sun and moon join again. This year’s rare total solar eclipse was a new moon that was a beginning for not only this next month, but a seed planted for the next six months to a year. Meaning that a big part of this next year (which also follows the north node in Leo…more on that later:) is about having fun and taking festive risks, following heart-level impulses and actively pursuing happiness.

So the idea is to gather your wits and process the eclipse through this next week until the 8th, when things will be moving forward with more ease. Mercury moves into its home sign of Virgo again on September 9, and all the details of our big new Leo heart-level dreams won’t seem so overwhelming. It will exit the shadow zone (the place it started to retrograde in the first place) at 11 degrees Virgo around September 20 and we will then feel more or less resolved and able to move into new territory. This will be a great month to start making little tasks out of big plans, making lists, shopping around, comparing notes and getting all the nitty gritty handled. These little things you do now will actually be big helps to you later, even if it seems trifling or nitpicky at the time.

Total eclipses bring big changes, usually by expressing as a crisis or moment of extreme attention in an area of your life. Now that Mercury Retrograde is over, I am going to quickly break down where this eclipse might have sparked a new torch in your longing heart (if you know your rising sign:):

  • 1st House (likely Leo Rising): This year is a whole new you! The first house represents the self, and you are probably feeling a burst of energy from within yourself. Trust yourself, trust your heart. The crisis of eclipse might be manifesting as an identity crisis. Maybe who you were isn’t who you feel like now. Get in touch with yourself! You have a spotlight on you now, step into it.
  • 2nd House (likely Cancer Rising): This year is all about new fortunes! The second house represents our value system, and as an earth-aligned house represents health and wealth. Spend this year creating, and be sure of your own worth. The crisis of this eclipse might come through as something related to income, or even as depression/feelings of worthlessness. Use the eclipse energy to flip the script!
  • 3rd House (likely Gemini Rising): This year is all about information! The third house represents communication, and that means you’ll likely be meeting and talking with a lot of new people. Put yourself out there, and bring people into your circle. The eclipse crisis comes to you through overload, so don’t hurt yourself. Make sure you’re taking the time to make conscious choices in the madness.
  • 4th House (likely Taurus rising): This year gives a new depth to your soul! The fourth house represents the inner world as well as home environment, meaning that you might be moving sometime in the next year. The eclipse is shining its crisis from deep within you, and you might only now be aware of its subconscious power. You will want to see these inner changes reflected in the place that you live.
  • 5th House (likely Aries Rising): This year is all about your heart’s journey. The fifth house represents creativity, pleasure, and personal authority. Wherever your heart pulls you this year, you are likely to have a blast doing it! The eclipse might bring this to your attention by asking you if your heart is really what you are doing. If not, now is the time to find and follow that spark to ignite it.
  • 6th House (likely Pisces Rising): This year is all about how you are getting it done. The sixth house represents the body, work, and habits/routines which means you might be finding new employment! You will want to work smarter and not harder. This eclipse placement might bring a health crisis, so pay attention to detail and take care of yourself first. Making lists, check ’em twice. Quit smoking!
  • 7th House (likely Aquarius Rising): This year is all about the people in your life. The seventh house represents the Other, so the focus won’t be so much on you. Trust others. You’re likely feeling a new surge of energy in your personal relationships, which might be put to the test with this eclipse placement. It’s important to be aware not only of what you give of yourself, but what you receive from others.
  • 8th House (likely Capricorn Rising): This year is all about deep transformation. The eighth house represents shared values and regenerative cycles. This eclipse placement suggests a crisis related to letting go of your old self and becoming something new. You should collaborate deeply with others, and might even possibly gain through offering your support. You won’t recognize yourself after this.
  • 9th House (likely Sagittarius Rising): This year is a new awakening for you. The ninth house represents higher learning, philosophy, religion, as well as travel and foreign places. You will feel a fiery passion to follow your highest truth. Your crisis in this placement might be of faith-make sure you are living according to your own ideals. This year you might also feel the travel bug acutely-hop to!
  • 10th House (likely Scorpio Rising): This year is all about your long-term goals. The tenth house represents public life as well as the course of your life’s events. You will be very aware of your reputation at this time, and will take cares with your legacy. The eclipse here might express through a change in careers or even social status. Use this new energy impulse to turn things around-it’s your life, after all!
  • 11th House (likely Libra Rising): This year is all about a bigger perspective. The eleventh house represents social connection and how we fit into groups. This is your time to shine within your networks. Your eclipse crisis might express through feeling alienated from your social scene, or possibly finding new ones. Hopes and dreams also live here, so use the eclipse energy to lead you to your bright future.
  • 12th House (likely Virgo Rising): This year is all about letting go and connecting to spirit. The twelfth house represents the subconscious, hidden sorrows and enemies, as well as institutions. It may feel like you have to give yourself up for a little while, but if you offer the service freely you will reap the spiritual rewards. Use the energizing eclipse energy to tap directly into Spirit-the channels are open to you.

If you don’t know your rising sign and would like to get a private reading, please get ahold of me on Facebook or here. You can also call Golden Braid Books at (801) 322-1162 to schedule an in-person appointment in Salt Lake City, or a phone reading (you could be anywhere!). Thanks so much for reading!



P.S. Used my ephemeris and for reference, and took this photo myself on the day of the eclipse.

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