
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


March 2018

Full Blue Moon in Libra 3/31/18

Hi again,

The upcoming Full Moon is the second Blue Moon this year, meaning it’s the second month in which two Full Moons occur. There wasn’t a Full Moon in February, which is sometimes referred to as a Dark Moon. This Blue Moon shines at 10° Libra tomorrow morning, Saturday, March 31, at 6.37am MST.

Full Moons are when the Sun and Moon are furthest from each other in the lunar cycle. This weekend’s Moon in Libra is in opposition to the Sun in Aries. This cycle began with the new Moon in Pisces, which I made a video post about here. So if this monthly cycle is about healing and dreams, this Full Libra Moon puts a spotlight on relationships, sharing, and balance.

The moon fully reflects the sun’s light on a Full Moon, meaning that the subconscious becomes conscious (werewolf metaphors and such).  Wherever 10° Libra falls in your chart will show you in what area of your life you will feel it most-but we will see it express itself in this Libra kind of energy.

Venus is the ruler of the sign of Libra, and here is concerned with partnerships in particular. The planet of beauty is also brought to life through artistic expression in this sign, as a means for sharing with and appreciation by others. Like the Scales totem, Venus seeks balance and harmony in Libra. Both within the self, and within the environment.

The 7th astrological House is associated with Libra and partnerships. As opposed to the Aries “I AM,” Libra’s motto is “WE ARE.” It’s the sign of the Other rather than the Self. As a mental-energy air sign, Libra values analysis and communication, constantly balancing the needs of others sometimes above their own.

So what does this mean?

It might seem like the needs or concerns of others take precedence this weekend. People might demand things of us that we weren’t prepared for, especially with how up our own skirts we are during this Mercury Retrograde. The Moon and Mercury will be in direct opposition, which is an aspect of tension through circumstances. I think this Moon invites us to listen rather than speak in order to communicate more effectively-and because this is a Full Moon, there are likely to be many words. People have something to say, and rather than respond thoughtlessly, we are being invited to truly hear what is being said by those around us. This is that one moment of the Mercury Retro where stressing about yourself isn’t the way. Other People have the answers this weekend-and Other People will assist us in this healing, dreamy pattern of the New Moon in Pisces cycle that seems so ethereal. They are talking. Hear the words that are coming out of Their mouth before inserting your own.

The Full Moon in Libra passes through a T-square with Sun/Mercury in Aries and Mars/Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn this weekend, which means things could be quite busy and potentially draining. There might be a lot of stressful things going on, but in this case remembering the energy of Cancer will bring balance-emotion, intuition, and nurturing. Don’t block yourself off from your feelings, let that water flow and you can put out any fires that alight.

We will also be incredibly aware of beauty this weekend. Take it in! Libra loves to share beautiful things, so don’t wait, be the one sharing. The more you let your light shine, people will reflect it back at you. And then they might go do the same for someone else. What you give comes back to you, and this Moon will show you that.

Good times! Know I’m busy af this weekend but I’m surrounded by awesome people, so it should be pretty breezy:)

Hope you have an awesome one!



P.S. Used by ephemeris and Buddha Board to make this stuff.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries 3/22-4/15

It is ye olde timme again.

That special time that only comes three or four times a year!

That’s right, we’re creeping up on Mercury Retrograde (dun dun DUUUUUN!). It starts TONIGHT at 6.17pm MST.

Mercury is the ruler of the signs of Gemini and Virgo, both mutable in quality, as this planet has to do with communication, intellect, and integration. It’s like the corpus callosum in the brain, connecting the two hemispheres into one unit. Most planets have a male or female quality associated with them (Venus is female, Mars is male, etc.), but Mercury is both and neither- it moves between them. It’s language and hearing and listening.

Retrograde motions happen when a planet seems to slow down to a stop in the sky, then go backwards for a while, stop and move forward again. The planet is not changing direction, but rather its orbit relative to the earth makes it look that way from where we are. This means that the retrograde planet appears to cover the same area of the sky three times-first in the shadow zone (this one began on March 9), then in the retrograde phase (tonight through April 15), and a third time as it exits the shadow zone and breaks into new territory (May 3). While the retrograde phase is interpreted as the most disruptive, themes that fall within the shadow zone or total retrograde transit will be revisited three times. When retrogrades occur, we are actually closer to that planet’s orbit than at other times so astrologically it tends to make that energy more personal and internalized.

When Mercury goes retrograde, anything having to do with communication seems to go haywire. Emails and texts get wonky. Conversations can be misinterpreted more easily. Even your steady train service or daily commute might have some hiccups. Traditional advice for these periods includes not signing contracts, beginning or ending a serious relationship, or making major life changes. This is because you are likely to change your mind later, after you have reevaluated your thinking. Impressions are impermanent during Mercury Retrograde.

In the sign of Aries, Mercury is reflecting on Identity. Aries’ motto is I AM. It’s the first sign of the zodiac, and where it falls in your chart is where you want to be a strong and independent leader. Aries are very pioneering, and they burn hot like the Cardinal (initiative or outgoing) fire (spiritual energy) signs they are. Aries rules the head, and like the ram, they knock down obstacles head-on. In the wheel of the zodiac Aries lines up with the astrological First House, which represents birth, the body, and the Self. Mercury is the intellect and how we think and speak, so we might be a little bit self-involved during this time-which is exactly for what the retrograde calls. I think we’ll really be looking at things and thinking, “Is this Me?” during this retrograde. We might have to define what is, in fact, Me. If only to ourselves.

With Saturn and Pluto bringing serious depth and change to the social stage in Capricorn, a lot of this Mercury Rx self-exploration might be because we are experiencing dissonance between what we feel personally and what is going on around us. Things that are going on in the world should make you reevaluate your own position, and a retrograde like this is a great time to change your mind. Because it seems you are being forced to, from all sides. Aries and Capricorn are square to each other, an aspect of tension that expresses through attention to urgent matters.

However, sociopersonal identity crises aside, the very nice thing about this retrograde to me is that it doesn’t seem to actually involve others much. It’s not about examining your relationships, work, or outside social influences. It falls solely in the sign of the Self. As Mercury goes retro tonight, it’s still in conjunction with Venus, which softens and gives grace. So we are actually quite likely to feel good about ourselves, which might be counter-intuitive to everyone who hears me blame everything on Mercury Retrograde ad nauseum (and it might make us lazy with aforementioned social influences, like “I-feel-good-about-me-it’s-thems-who-need-to-change”). This retrograde is harmoniously trine to the North Node in Leo (Part I and Part II), which means that we will be checking in with our overall spiritual goals and development during this time. At the end of March, the Moon will be full in Libra (second Blue Moon since January-real busy year), so you might get some fireworks from others around then but I say just grab some popcorn and watch.

In short, this retrograde will make you examine if what you are doing is in line with who you actually are. You might feel like making big changes, but see what you feel like doing in a couple weeks, too. It might be different by then.



P.S. Used my ephemeris and Buddha Board to make this:)

Full Moon in Virgo 3/1

Hey hey hey,

The full moon in Virgo takes place at 11 degrees, exactly opposite the Sun in Pisces. There are six of these opposites in the zodiac, and none of them show the difference between “dreams” and “reality” more than Pisces and Virgo, respectively. This full moon lights up in Virgo to remind us that we cannot live on dreams alone. We have to do things, and the more efficiently we do them, the easier our dreams will be to manifest.

Full moons are the culmination of plans and cultivation of seeds planted during the previous new moon (which was in Aquarius). It’s the time to do the things you set out to do. The light of the Sun (representing consciousness) is fully illuminating the moon (representing subconsciousness)- it means our insides are equally energized.

Virgo is the 2nd earth sign, and it shows the mutable quality. The first earth sign, Taurus, represents what we do (I made a brick). The second, Virgo, represents how we do the things we do-what is our method, our system, etc. (This is how I made the brick). The third earth sign of Capricorn represents to what end we do the things we do (This is how the brick I made builds the house I built). Virgo is all about details, and making sure things are right. This is because Virgo, like all mutable signs, combines the qualities of the previous two signs. In this case, it’s Cancer the Mother, and Leo the Father. Virgo must be discriminating and use all the lessons learned from both ‘parents’ to make their own choice. They must ultimately be whole unto themselves, like the original etymological meaning of the word.

The astrological 6th House (just below the western horizon in the sky) is associated with Virgo. Schedules, work, routines, chores, habits, and all the minutiae of mundane daily life are found and organized here. This includes our day-to-day health and maintenance. Are you taking care of your body? Are you taking care of your time? are the pressing questions of the 6th House. This full moon will tend to pull our heads out of the clouds and be more on the ground. But, those pesky life things like making sure the gas tank is filled means that we can drive toward those dreams without having to worry about running out on the way. Making sure that laundry got done means not worrying about what you’re going to wear tomorrow as you sashay toward them dreams! How are these analogies working out?


Interesting things about this full moon are that it has a nice trine to Saturn, so all this hard yet maybe boring focus on work will have long-lasting foundations. Pluto has a minor grand trine with Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces-meaning lots of changes, but a lot of them are about the way we feel right now rather than the way things appear to be on the outside. We are connecting to some real vibey shit right now, and I’m not sure anyone really knows how that’s going to express on a public level which is what Pluto in Cap is all about. Part of that configuration is creating a pointy finger of Yod at the north node in Leo, which I mentioned before. That means that we are going to want to blend into the crowd right now, but this is the time to stand in that big scary spotlight and roar like the Lion you are this year! Overall there’s a lot going on socially, big picture wise, but this time is asking that you follow your own heart, even if it means taking a big leap.

Make sure that you are taking care of you as you do the things you do the way you do them. And take it easy on anyone who is not doing it as well as you-they are working their own process, too.

Go get em!


P.S. Used my ephemeris, checked out Llewellyn’s 2018 Moon Sign Book also, thanks for the chart.

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