
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


December 2018

New Moon in Capricorn 1/5/19

Hi y’all,

The last New Moon in Sag has peaked with the Full Moon in Cancer just before Xmas, and we are winding it down through the New Year.

The next New Moon is in the sign of Capricorn at 6.28pm MST on January 5, 2019. New Moons are when the Sun and Moon meet at the same point in the zodiac and the moon appears dark in the sky. This union of the luminaries then gives impetus through the next new moon cycle, this time culminating with the Full SuperMoon Eclipse in Leo on January 20.

New Moon in Cap means taking measure. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which is associated with time, temperance, and legacy. I think it’s not a coincidence that the calendar new year happens during Capricorn season – because Cap is Father Time that brings in the baby of the new year. We always look back on the accomplishments of the previous year during this time and look forward to planning the next. This New Moon will have all that in spades as we wake up from the holiday season and see what’s ahead.

Cap’s association with the 10th Astrological House gives importance to the ideas of career, reputation, and public life. Who are we when we represent ourselves to the world? New Year’s Resolutions often have to do with professional goals or reaching new personal heights. Cap rises from the bottom of the sea to the top of the mountain as its animal totem sea-goat, always striving upward til they reach the peak. This new moon will put the focus on who we are as we put ourselves out there. The 10th House also gives a collective idea to the public presentation – who are we becoming together?

This new moon happens at 15 Cap, right in between Saturn at 11 Cap and Pluto at 20 Cap. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place!

Saturn is the taskmaster of the zodiac. It puts you through your lessons and makes you grow up. In classical astrology, it was called the Dark Sun, the Great Malefic, meaning that it was bad and was gonna kick your ass. Nowadays we think of it as less scary, but it definitely is a hardass. 

Pluto is also very dark, a damn generational pressure cooker. It has to do with transformation and conflict, sometimes even challenges to authority and subversion. Contemporary astrologers note how Pluto’s transit through each sign can be linked to different military conflicts and wars throughout the decades since its discovery.

So for this New Moon to be parked in between such heavies, I’m kinda seeing what might be considered a tumultuous month ahead. Not only that, but what happens during this moon cycle has the potential to have lasting consequences. Whereas the cycle we’re currently wrapping up had to do with following our own truth, this next one will have us in the collective consequences of our actions.

I’m thinking of the crazy ish that’s going on with the shutdown right now, and actually a bit nervous about what it means if it’s still happening by the New Moon on the 5th. Regardless, we will be dealing with some wild news over the course of the next month. 

I think a feature of the New Moon chart worth noting is that we have what’s called a bucket shape going on with all the planets on one side, and the North Node in Cancer by itself on the other as the Singleton. I think that this upcoming month could very well be filled with conflict and strife, everyone worrying about what happens next. I think it’s therefore very important to step into the lessons of Cancer energy and find it within ourselves to feel deeply and care for one another out there. We all have to step into the Mother role a bit more, reaching out and caring for each other person out there. The times will be hard, but we must be soft. We must nurture and hold space for others. It might get rough. Who is going to think of the actual children out there? I’m not even quoting a Simpsons right there. I mean, like the kids in cages right now. We have to care for all the kids of the world, even if they aren’t our kids.

I hope the new year brings you health, happiness, and prosperity! Party it up and have a blast, because we will all be thinking about other more important things very soon.

Cheers and Happy New Beers,


2019 Retrograde Planner

Hey hey hey!

It always seems like Mercury Retrograde sneaks up on me, so I tried making some memes that quickly capture how our 2019 cycles are going to go.

Retrogrades are caused by an optical illusion due to our orbit relative to the planets. They do not change their orbits but the planets appear to slow their trajectory in the sky and stop, go backward for awhile, then stop and go forward again. When this happens, we are closer to the planet than at other times of the year.

For that reason, the energy the planet is operating under intensifies and goes inward. For instance, during the more familiar Mercury Retrograde communication seems to break down and during less common Venus Retrogrades we reevaluate our love. These cycles happen to make sure we are staying motivated and on top of things.

Some planets can spend half the year in retrograde! This just means that their influence is less immediate and measured more in years than days.

Hope this quick look ahead helps!!



Full Moon in Cancer 12/22/18

Hi y’all,

For whatever reason it seems easier to make a quick goofy video than trying to do a perfect write up right now, but in the vein of this full moon it does make it more intimate. #iwokeuplikedis

The Full Moon in Cancer is the culmination of the New Moon in Sagittarius on 12/7, meaning internal connection on your journey to higher truth. It’s about how you feel right now, and making sure you feel secure – Big Cancer Energy – and ready to move into your new life (after the changes of Jupiter into Sagittarius).

Just because of the plummeting stock market and government shutdown here in the US, I’ll also leave this reference to the current North Node in Cancer transit. What a time to be alive!

Make it personal thru the next new moon. Make it real. We will be dealing with a lot after new year, so make sure you’re ready.

Happy Holidays!


Saturn in Capricorn 12/19/17-12/16/20

Hey y’all,

Here’s a quick update on this long-term transit-we’re about a year into Saturn in Capricorn, good time for a checkup.

Saturn is the planet of rules and restrictions. It’s the reality check we need so we don’t get lost in dreams. While Jupiter expands and says yes, Saturn realistically sets boundaries and limits so we can measure progress. It’s often described as the heavy of the zodiac, bringing harsh lessons and grim character-building. In truth, without Saturn and its grounding influence we would be awash.

Saturn is the ruler of the sun of Capricorn, so it’s considered at home or in its domicile during this time. That means that Saturn is expressing in its pure form without being muted by other elements. Both planet Saturn and sign Cap are related to the passage of time, longevity, and legacy. Father Time is often associated with these energies, as well as Cronus and Rhea in myth.

Capricorn is the last of the earth signs which are primarily concerned with provable actions. Taurus represents the completed action, Virgo describes the methodology of the completed action, and Capricorn is the overall reason behind each completed action. I describe this as Taurus “I made a brick,” Virgo “This is how I made the brick,” and Capricorn “This brick will build my castle.” For this reason, people working with a lot of Capricorn in their charts are very concerned with reputation and public appearance. They take their personal sense of pride from the responsibilities that make them a part of their community, more than most. They are grounded and practical, with an eye on efficiency as they check their goals off of a usually literal list.

Following Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius from about 2015-17, we are now seeing the effects of the Big Ideas that happened during that time. For instance, a new tax code was passed here in America during heady Saturn Sag, that we aren’t seeing the effects of til now. I expect next tax day to be quite dramatic for some folks. Basically now we have to deal with the consequences of our actions. In another example, we elected a huge racist and now we have kids in cages on the border. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Saturn in Cap is that time.

Didn’t follow your workout regimen? Good luck staying fit during this transit. Didn’t do your homework? Don’t expect to pass the test. Saturn in Cap means your ass has to get to work. What you put in is what you will get out of this time. Anybody coasting is gonna get pushed out the way.

Basically because of the longevity of Cap, this period of time is all about sustained effort. If you don’t keep up your stamina, you’re gonna get left behind. Saturn is here to make you stronger, even if it’s gotta drag you kicking and screaming. There are always lots of karmic lessons that Saturn is trying to teach. This time is the culmination of those lessons-can you keep up? Can you stay on track? Can you maintain your budget? If the answer to these questions is no, get ready for your spiritual ass-whoopin’.

I recorded this video while drinking this summer, I don’t know if it’s any good but I do know that I learned a good Saturn in Capricorn lesson and quit smoking:

Jupiter in Sagittarius 11/8/18-12/2/19

Hey y’all,

     Welcome to the other side of the transformational transit of Jupiter through Scorpio. We’ve made it to the other side – now what? I think this first month (really Dec. ’18) while we go through the Sag Moon Cycle is like the getting our feet wet part, then after new year we will be jumping into the deep end.  

     Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and it grows whichever area of the chart in which it lands. It gives more opportunities and therefore more chances for success. It is high-minded and concerned with the General Welfare. Some Jupiter keywords are justice, optimism, luck, and joie de vivre.

    Fortunately for us, Jupiter is in its home sign or domicile of Sagittarius through 2020. Sag is about higher learning, foreign borders, philosophy and religion, and forging a path to higher truth. Coming out of the Jupiter Scorpio phase will lighten up the mood, but it will also shine a potentially harsh light on the changes we’ve gone through. Scorpio is deep and dark, emotionally intense, concerned with digging all the skeletons out of the closet. Sagittarius is the bright light at the end of that tunnel. It’s the freedom that comes from letting go, the adventurousness of having already faced the darkness, and the knowledge that comes from exposure and experience.

     Part of the Jupiter Sag transit will be deciding individually and collectively what our IDEALS are. We will have the unique opportunity during this time to connect with people and places outside of our experience. We will expand our horizons and hopefully come to higher truths on our own. 

     I think there will also be a resistance to doing things the ‘right’ way during this time. There are many roads to truth, and none of them are ‘wrong.’ May we resist the urge to correct others who are not the same path as us, as we wish our own journey to be regarded with respect. 

         Here’s a little vid I did under the xmas tree talking more bout this here:

North Node in Cancer 11/6/18-5/4/20

Hey y’all,

A major transit that started in November was the passage of the lunar node into the sign of Cancer. It’s been in the sign of Leo for the last year or so, and I even wrote two posts about it.

Recorded this video around the new moon in Dec 18, hence seasonal decorations- and mostly I’ll let it do the talking.

Real quick in case I use this post later (lol), the north node shows us where we need to focus on growth and development. In the birth chart, it’s what we don’t know and are here to learn in this life. In transit, it gives insight to the challenges of the next year or so and how to be available to our full potential.

The sign of Cancer is all about being in touch with our own emotions. Like the crab in the changing tide, we look for security in the environment by clinging to what matters most to us- our loved ones, friends and family. Cancer is ruled by the moon and controls the emotional tides with its waxing and waning, meaning that our feelings come and go and change and develop over time. Are we going to ride the waves of the next year or get slammed by them?

Cancer is the archetypal Mother. Where it falls on our chart shows where we give and receive nurturing care. All these personal feelings and connecting to the maternal nature in all of us is a theme that might seem quite scary to a lot of people. Most of the time we cover up our emotions. But this next nodal phase is all about diving in to those waves to unlock the mystery.

I didn’t mention this in the video, but we all better start getting into this Mother Mode and go get all those kids out of jail on the US border. How can we not feel for our Fellow People? Hopefully this North Node in Cancer isn’t going to follow the trend and be another disaster for the US.

Anyhoo, I’ll probably do another checkpoint but here’s my hot take on the north node in Cancer:



New Moon in Sagittarius 12/7

Hi y’all,

Welcome to one of the few times this year I’ve posted before the event happens! Hopefully this good planning energy will carry thru to next year:)

Cheers, Merry Xmas and all that Jazz,


November ’18 was a Big Deal – OR – let’s get the hell outta Retrograde for the Holidays!

Hey y’all,

We are getting close to the end of Mercury Retrograde again, as Mercury stations direct at 27° Scorpio. The last time I blogged was the last Mercury Retro this summer, so I thought it was appropriate. In October and the first bit of November we were rocked by the less frequent Venus Retrograde, and this is what I thought about that. I would add that the advice I was giving to people in readings during Venus retrograde and its long transit through Scorpio this year was to focus on the kind of love one has to offer rather than the type of love one would like to receive. Here’s the video about Venus Retro (with a link to Uranus shifting into Taurus earlier this year):

And then right after Venus Retrograde ended, Mercury Retrograde started! We are on the tail end of the retrograde phase now, and will exit the shadow zone and move into new territory around Dec. 25. Here’s about Mercury Retrograde:

Another big year-plus transit that happened last month is the planet Jupiter moving into its domicile of Sagittarius through next December. Here is that video (with links to Jupiter in Scorpio and Jupiter in Libra from the last couple years for reference as well) :

And the biggie through the next little while is the lunar node shifting into Cancer! Take a listen to this video and let me know what you think (with both of the links that I made for North Node in Leo as reference):

See what I’m saying?? People were making jokes that 2018 took years but November only took about 20 minutes. It’s because there was a ton of stuff going on!

If you want to see how these changes are landing in your personal chart, schedule an appointment in person or by phone by calling Golden Braid Books at (801) 322-1162 and talking with the dopest staff in the world.

Sending you all the good mojo as we wrap up 2018 and get out of these retrogrades and into next year full tilt!



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