Hey y’all,

The past few months have been crazy busy! But I couldn’t think of a better way to jump back to astro blog life than today’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 20° Cancer (especially since I’m actually at home and this is all up in my 4th house)!

Here’s the chart, set for time here in Utah, as it is right now:



Sun and Moon at high noon, conjunct within 5°! They will be low on the horizon or set by the time the New Moon is exact, at 8.48 PM MST. So we won’t see this eclipse like the one last year on August 21, and it’s not a total eclipse, but it’ll be giving us some partial Solar Eclipse Vibes-only in Cancer instead of Leo.

So! The New Noon is when the moon is in the earth’s shadow and appears dark in the sky. At this time the sun and moon are said to be in the same place, now in the sign of Cancer. This union of the sun and moon gives a new energy impulse through the next lunar cycle. New Moons are a good time to rest and recharge the batteries, and to symbolically (in this instance, also literally) plant seeds for the month ahead. Because the moon (shorthand: emotions/internal) is not reflecting the light of the sun (shorthand: consciousness/external), what lies in our shadows has more freedom to roam. I think of this like plants needing the nighttime to complete the photosynthesis/nitrate cycle (or whatever, ask a botanist) as much as the sun-we need the darkness as much as the light in our own processes as well. It’s all a part of a cycle, and what we carry into the new moon plants seeds for us to harvest over the next month.

Anyway, the Moon friggin’ loves being in Cancer. It is considered the ruler of the sign, and its natives are intrinsically, intuitively connected to its waxing and waning. Moon and Cancer are Mother, emotion, intuition, origins, and like their totem Crab with their house on their back, home and family life. Cancer is the first water sign which is the emotional element. They feel deeply, and because they are the second Cardinal sign (outgoing, initiative energy-Aries is the first), their emotions seem to burst out of them when they are excited. Not naming names, but some folks I know have trouble controlling the volume of their voice when they are riding that wave.

Cancer is related to the 4th Astrological House, which I refer to as the seat of the soul (I probably didn’t make that up). If we wear three masks – one for the world, one for our close circle of people, and one only for ourselves – then the 4th House is the mask we wear only for ourselves. It’s our squishiest, juiciest crab meat under that crusty shell.

And! Not only is it the New Moon, but that partial Solar Eclipse too! A Solar Eclipse signifies a change that is brought about by some ‘crisis’ in the sign and house where it falls. For instance, this one falls in my actual 4th House, so we are getting into doing some house renovations. Not a ‘crisis’ but definitely an exquisite pressure to get it done. Wherever the Eclipse falls in your chart, you can expect a transformation during the coming months. Good times!

Some big players in this New Moon chart are the Water and Earth Major Grand Trines aka the big blue triangles! New Moon Cancer trine Jupiter Scorpio trine Neptune Pisces is going to BLOW UP our emotional receptivity over not only this next moon cycle, but for thru this Eclipse energy over the next few months as well. The force of our emotions will have an extraordinary way of manifesting in the real world-we will be making our landscape match its emotional counterpart. And all of that will be accentuated by Uranus in Taurus trine Venus in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn-making up the Grand Earth Trine. This energy gives a revitalization to our real-life efforts, helps us take the necessary steps to complete our goals. My hope is that we feel what is going on out there in the world, and act now to bring out that Divine Mother that everyone needs. These Grand Trines are only effective if we use their harmonious flow to effect real change out there.

The only red flag I’m really seeing here is the T-square between Mercury Leo square Jupiter Scorpio square Mars Retrograde in Aquarius. This aspect shows that changes in our relationships are likely to result in ego conflicts and posturing. We might feel feisty all up in our Cancer emotions and express ourselves like a royal Leo pain, causing waves in our Aquarian groups. Sometimes we need to rock the boat, but sometimes we need to go with the flow. We might feel some tension about which one is the correct choice.

In my procrastinating online, and in conclusion, I found this post from @QueerCosmos on Facebook and I think it is all up in my feelings, so here ya ho:

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