
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


July 2019

Mercury Retrograde in Leo / Cancer July 7-31, 2019

Hey so here’s a few words about Mercury Retrograde this July. I started this post weeks ago but it was never ‘perfect,’ so I’m trying to just go with ‘done.’

Retrograde is when a planet seems to slow down in its journey from east to west in the southern sky (northern hemisphere folks), and then move backwards for awhile. It then slows and stops again, and then proceeds forward through the same area of the sky that it had before. This process is caused by our relative orbit. The planet doesn’t actually change in its orbit. There are a bunch of interpretations for this retrograde motion, mainly that the energy of the planet goes inward/underworld for a time while we go over that area of our chart with a fine-toothed comb.

This time Mercury will back up from 4° Leo to 23° Cancer. Mercury is the ruler of intellect, expression, and communication; and is associated with the signs of air-talk Gemini and earth-action Virgo. This means that from casual conversations to big decision making, our intellectual ability to process is colored by Leo and mostly Cancer energy. We will tend to intellectualize our emotions at this time. We will wonder why we are having so many feelings. We will spend a lot of time processing how we are investing our emotional energy.

We entered the shadow zone at 23° ♋ on June 20. Mercury slowed through the first week of July and stationed retrograde on the 7th. It stationed direct late on the 31st, and we will exit the shadow zone on August 15. So while the worst is over, we will still have the next few weeks to get our house in order while Mercury picks up speed and emerges from the underworld.

A few summers ago, I wrote about Mercury Retrograde in Leo. This will have the same effect of making you ask if your heart is in what you’re doing, but then it will transition into deeper, more internal Cancer. This Retrograde will ask you to feel deeply and not shy away from what comes up from within. Are you being true to yourself? Are you able to feel what others are feeling as if it were your own feelings? Are you able to trust your own gut?

I made a video a week or two ago talking/ranting about this Mercury Retrograde in more detail. As you can see, I was in my slept-in hair, at home, soaking up the 4th house energy:

Also here’s the dates for the one later this fall:


P.S. Used my ephemeris, Buddha Board,, and my own memes to make this post.

Full Moon in Capricorn 7/16


Of course I claim Mercury Retrograde Probs in posting two days late, but the Full Moon in Capricorn on Tuesday was also a lunar eclipse which lit up – or dimmed – 24° ♑ . I took an chart of the moment around 2pm MDT, which shows that the moon and eclipse were not visible from here in UT (🌕 symbol at bottom of chart next to ‘IC’).

Full moons are typically time to take action, where we are energized by the conscious solar light shining on the subconscious of the moon. The New Moon in Cancer, which was also the total solar eclipse at 10° ♋, would have given impulse to the things requiring our attention now. The axis of Cancer/ Capricorn finds us navigating our inner and public workings.

Capricorn’s keyword is responsibility. Ruled by stern Saturn, it is the sign of longevity. Capricorn must always improve over time, like its animal totem sea-goat climbing from the bottom of the sea to the top of the mountain. It is the cardinal third earth sign, giving initiative to lasting effect through hard work. Capricorn is organized and strategic, and uses limitations not as hindrances but rather as stepping stones. Its association with the astrological 10th house also influences public roles in life as well as career aspirations and overall lifeplan.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is shining in conjunction with ruler Saturn as well as Pluto. Our attention will be drawn to responsibilities we must face, ones that will have Saturn long-lasting impact as well as Pluto disruption and transformation. There’s something very “Hanged Man” from the Tarot about this energy to me- you gotta do what you gotta do, but make sure this new perspective is leveling you up. That strong Saturn energy might make you feel trapped, but there is something you need to learn about this. In a practical sense, you might find yourself on a tighter budget than you’re used to, but you have to learn how to handle it by doing it.

In the public sense there are a number of things that are slowly reaching a boiling point. Regardless of your views, no one is immune from the pressure and churning dissatisfaction. The timing of certain comments made last weekend by certain megalomaniacs are amplifying the intensity of the conjunction of Saturn/Pluto/Full Moon. There doesn’t seem to be a respite as we all will be forced to deal with the fallout. The crisis of the North Node in Cancer lies directly opposite this full moon as well. America is being forced to self-identify and the process is painful at best. Hopefully the tension that this activates will encourage us all to do our part and make collective changes. We need to move into a mode of feeling everything personally, deeply. We cannot separate ourselves from the plight of others. We need to embody nurturing, empathetic Cancerian energy.

Adding to the melee is the Full Moon in opposition to Mercury Retrograde. You might not be observing as much progress as you’d like, keep chipping away at it. The Cap Full Moon likes to get things done, but it seems like your efforts are thwarted. Rather than take in the whole big picture at once, break it down into manageable pieces. You’ll be pleased if you can see your efforts through to the end. This Retrograde energy also has the potential to see communication colored by power struggles. Through the end of the month it’ll help to speak from the heart without forcing your hand. It’ll be easy to push too hard. Help people realize that you are on their team.

If you can use your limitations constructively, this time can be of great use. Keep your eyes on the prize, and get yourself ready to win it.



P.s. used my Pottinger ephemeris, Maynard planner, and to prep this post.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse/North Node in Cancer 7/2/17

No biggie!

So the new moon will happen just about on the Midheaven here in Utah, around exactly 12.16 pm.

There’s a lot going on just as we’re about to head into Mercury Retrograde this weekend. And nothing brings me out of a posting slump faster than going off about Mercury Retrograde!

Check the video for details.

Also, here’s my post about the North Node in Cancer.



Celebrate Independence Day by calling your elected officials regarding human rights atrocities at our border! 🎆🌭🎇

Contact your senators:
(202) 224-3121

Contact your reps:
(202) 224-3121

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