
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


January 2018

It’s Super, It’s Blue, It’s Blood-It’s the Full Moon in Leo 1/31

Hey ho,

So let’s just jump right into the hype! It happens Wednesday, January 31 at 6.27-6.30ish AM MST. This rare series of events with this moon hasn’t been seen for 150 years. But what does it mean?

SUPER-This means that the moon is in its perigee, the time in its orbit that it’s closest to the earth. It will appear slightly larger than at other times, and this happens for about three of the twelve yearly moon cycles.

BLUE-This means that two full moons happen in the same calendar month. The previous full moon was in Cancer on New Year’s. It doesn’t turn blue. Actually…

BLOOD-This is the part where the eclipse comes into play. Since the earth will pass between the sun and moon, it’s shadow will fall over the moon at this time it would normally appear full. It’s ‘blood’-like qualities have to do with only certain wavelengths of color hitting the moon as it passes through the earth’s umbra (full shadow). It’ll be dark, but not like a new moon, and I’m thinking rusty-colored. Hence, blood. The eclipse makes it dark.

So! The moon is closer to the earth-just as it pulls on the tides, it has greater sway on our emotions. Two full moons this month means that a lot of stuff is going on-busy busy busy! And the eclipse energy brings us back to the dark-the subconscious, the primal, the reactive, instinctual nature. Whereas the full moon usually shines a light inside, now we are invited to take all that energy inward.

The significance of eclipses comes in the area of your chart it occurs. Where this takes place will stimulate changes, either through a crisis which causes response or a reevaluation as subconscious thoughts come to the top. Solar eclipses last six months to a year, and lunar eclipses three to six months. They are good markers for times of change in your life, I think of them as a doorway you walk through and evaluate on the other side. (Get in touch to get a reading!)

A full moon is the time to reap the harvest of what has been grown and developed since the the seeds were planted during the previous new moon (in the link I also mention the New Year Cancer Full Moon). In this case, it has to do with how we are developing our legacy. What are we doing to playfully create the path before us?

The eclipses are connected cyclically with the moon’s nodes, and I spoke about this year’s passage of the north node through Leo here. Because this full moon and eclipse take place at 11° Leo, conjunct the north node at 14° Leo, this will be a critical stepping stone during this year of self-empowerment and discovery. Are we really having fun doing this risk-taking and reevaluating stimulated by the solar eclipse at 28° Leo last summer? We might not necessarily feel like the Lion roaring, the energy of this eclipse might feel like foreign territory. We might have to take leaps without a net. The north node is what we don’t know, what we have to develop. But it’s what we need to learn right now. And truly, your heart, your deepest, most personal knowing place will tell you the right answers. Let your light shine, because the dark is calling. This is where we learn what our roaring means.

Remember that eclipses happen pretty much twice a year-since January last year they’ve been in Leo/Aquarius. This means that these eclipses are stimulating changes in the ways that we step into personal power and creativity (Leo) and how that relates to our networks and humanity at large – people power (Aquarius). I would say the US where I live has been seeing that in many ways-how do I relate to what’s going on with everyone else right now? Do I see myself as separate from ‘them?’ This summer they will start shifting into Cancer and Capricorn-which means next time it’s personal AND it’s business.

Shawn that I work with at the Golden Braid Bookstore says that eclipses are always positive events. And I dig that a lot. Make sure you are making the time to do what you love, and that it is in line with your overall plans. If you’re not having fun, this is the time to acknowledge it and drop it. And since this rare occurrence happens in the dramastic sign of Leo, always get ready for some drama fantastique!



p.s. used my ephemeris to put this together!

Uranus in Taurus 5/15/18-4/25/26

Howdy ho,

So here’s my first attempt at a long-range horoscope with the shift of Uranus into Taurus in May. It’s been in the sign of Aries since March of 2011, and my quick wrap-up of that time period is a revolution (Uranus) in how we identify (Aries). Our identity as individuals has come under close scrutiny during these twenty-teens. I think the revolution of social media has caused everyone to create an identity for themselves, in a way the world has never seen before. This is who I am, this is how I prefer to be addressed, and I won’t try to fit into any preconceived boxes that have been determined for me. I might sum up the last Uranus cycle as the phrase: “You don’t know me.”

I like the description of Uranus as the “Awakener.” It breaks the rules, breaks down old systems and outdated ways of thinking with an eye on the future. It is the modern ruler of the sign Aquarius, which relates to the concept of genetic variance: we need outside genes in this pool. We need to mix it up. The prior two signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn represent the ideas of Jupiter/expansion/freedom and Saturn/contraction/limits, respectively. Aquarius and its ruler Uranus operate outside the terms set by both. They defy convention. Whatever planet touches or has aspect to Uranus is ‘electrified,’ and will use unorthodox means to their ends. Because of its association with Aquarius, Uranus speaks to the People. As it spends many years in a sign, it’s called a ‘generational planet,’ as its effect is echoed in all of the people born during that time.

The sign of Taurus is much more self-centered. It’s associated with the 2nd House, which is where we value things. Everything. From our self-esteem to our hourly rate, Taurus’ motto is “I have.” It’s the first fixed-sign, a powerhouse where we store energy in our chart. As an earth-element, Taurus is grounded and practical. Their physical sensuality is how they experience the world. Taurus is the first place where our intentions (from previous sign Aries) become actions. It’s what we create, what we do. Without regard for others or its usefulness to them, or over-analyzing the process. Along with Virgo and Capricorn, Taurus has to do with money and work.

So a quick analysis of the next 8 years is that the way we value things is going to change. A few examples of this might be the cryptocurrency that’s been developed in the last few years-it might go to a whole other level and show us a new way to value currency. Another global shift to be aware of is how countries are changing monies-the next year or two might shake up those trends quite a bit. As Taurus has to do with personal values, I predict more policy shifts regarding minimum wage. “My value cannot be defined, there are no limits” is a phrase that might sum up this time. Something my bleeding heart would love to see is something like a universal minimum income-but that would be quite the shakeup, wouldn’t it? People’s head would explode or fall off, especially here in whatever is left of the US. (LOLz) Universal Health Care might come to the forefront, which would also be awesome.

I wrote out a bunch of nonsense, but here are some dates and why to keep them on the back burner:

-Summer 2018 and Summer 2019 will the the start of the shifts. It will seem like we are breaking personal ground, and that we are all making positive changes collectively. There will be a lot of change-but it will seem to move forward. The focus during this time is HARD WORK-if you do yours, it will pay off. {Llewllyn’s suggests a slowing of market trends?}

-December 2019-December 2020 will have Jupiter in Capricorn, a favorable aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This will be a big year of breakthroughs and innovations. This will seem like a prodigiously productive time, but it will come through unexpected means. This will be a good time to make moves, position yourself for what’s next.

-Saturn and Jupiter will BOTH be in Aquarius in January and February of 2020, almost exactly square Uranus in Taurus. This means that this kicks off a real rough time, interestingly right after the next inauguration here in the States. My notes that I prepped while reading my ephemeris say: “Very tense, added volatility with Jupiter conjunct. Collective v. Self-Our lessons are grounded in social Aquarius, but our Self is in Revolt. Hard to make moves/impossible to predict/constant building up and consequent smashing of barriers.”

-Then from 5-12/2022, Capricorn Pluto will trine Uranus in Taurus. This is where a lot of the changes that have been building up over the past few years will finally move their tectonic plates. I wrote: “BIG MOVES/SHAKEUPS. Conflicts/resolutions. Harmonizing changes to personal value and society at large.”

Last time Uranus went into Taurus in 1934, we were in between two world wars. Let’s hope and pray we’ve learned our lessons since then. And better yet-let’s get out there and demonstrate that we have. Let’s make sure we know that we are invaluable as individuals and take that mentality to the collective and start taking care of each other like the priceless gems we are. Don’t let anyone else define your worth, demand better. Be more valuable than money. You are worth it.

So I hope this quick chunk makes any kind of sense. Long story short: Pay me more. Respect my body and the values it espouses. Also get ready for big changes that start on the inside.

Let’s do this.




North Node in Leo 5/9/17-11/6/18, or YAS QUEEN

Hi folks,

This is one that I have been sitting on since last May. Partially because it’s hard to explain and partially because I was nervous about how it would all turn out since I’m a Leo:) So new year, barreling toward this New Capricorn Moon, making me get some ish done.

The nodes of the moon are not an actual place, but basically a pair of moving coordinates in outer space. As the earth revolves around the sun, the moon revolves around the earth. The place where those two orbits intersect are the moon’s nodes. The place where the moon passes in front of the earth is the North Node, called the “head of the dragon” by the ancients. And the “tail of the dragon,” or South Node, is where the moon’s orbit passes behind the orbit of the earth.

The nodes are always exactly opposite each other, so right now the South Node is in Aquarius. The nodes also go in reverse of the motion of the planets. So on the tropical zodiac chart, the Sun and Moon and everything else revolve counterclockwise-they move through the signs from Aries to Pisces. So this fall, the North Node won’t shift from Leo to Virgo, but from Leo to the preceding sign of Cancer, moving clockwise through the chart.

In astrology, the nodes represent our destiny, our karmic contracts, what we are here to learn in this life. nbd, amirite? They suggest that we’ve been here and have carried things with us from prior incarnations that must be dealt with in this one.

The South Node is where we have been before. This placement in our charts helps us to understand things that come second nature to us, what we already know. In past lives, we were very much ingrained in the energy of the South Node and probably demonstrate many attributes of the sign (Maybe why some folks think they don’t sound like their newspaper horoscope?). I’ve heard it described as the comfort zone-it’s how we know how to operate. If we stay embedded in the qualities of our south node for too long, however, we fail to progress. We stop learning, we never leave the nest as it were, we don’t tap into what this life has to offer us. In our earlier life, we must first become aware of, and then master the lessons of our intrinsic nature.

When we have learned those lessons, it is then we begin to unlock the secrets of the North Node. I’ve heard people say that you don’t even really start messing with it til after your Saturn Return (around the age of 30). The North Node is what we are here to be in this life. It’s what we don’t already know, though-it’s outside of that comfort zone. It requires conscious effort to develop it, it doesn’t just happen. When we move into the North Node, we shine, we grow, we kick ass and take no names.

Leo is the sign of kingly or personal power, where fun and games take center stage. The inner child is a reference to this sign, as well as relationships with children. Leo is a fire sign, denoting spiritual energy, passion, and initiative. It’s a fixed-sign, meaning that it saves and stores energy like a magnet. The heart and spine are the parts of the body where Leo metaphorically operates, the two being linked to the Lion’s motto “I will” (Like I named my blog, get it?). Creativity and expression are a part of Leo’s association with the 5th House, where we do things for our own pleasure.

Conversely, its opposite sign of Aquarius is all about people power, where wishes and dreams become fulfilled. Aquarius is about how we all share, the ways in which we connect, and our individuality within the masses. Aquarius is like the circulatory system, carrying the blood through the whole body-or like the ankles and shins running the message to all the people.

SO. This year’s movement of the North Node through Leo is asking you WHAT KIND OF KING OR QUEEN WILL YOU BE? The energy is about moving into the foreign territory of being a leader through personal example. We know how to be a part of a group, and now we need to have the People in mind as we creatively use our personal power toward our own goals. If we have mastered the lessons of South Node Aquarius, we will be the kind of ruler that has the people’s interests at heart already. This is literally the year to FOLLOW YOUR HEART. It will be scary and seem foreign, but pushing for that growth is how we keep expanding those horizons. It might feel at times like you are doing things alone, but that’s part of the lesson, too-taking accountability for your own intentions and actions. It’s your life-hold yourself responsible for who you are going to be and where you are going to go. Be the boss.

Things are pretty tense in the world right now, but a part of what we have to teach ourselves during this time is to HAVE FUN. We have to seek it out and hunt it down like lions on the prowl…or kittie cats, or something. Jupiter in Scorpio is all about transformation this year, bringing a lot of painful things to the surface, with intense emotion. We’ve spent a lot of energy merging forces with others, or conversely, letting go of connections. It’s also kind of a big deal that under the sign of the king, Saturn shifted into Capricorn, which is about public life, career, and legacy. We have transitioned from a fiery, idea-driven time to the time where we face the consequences of those ideas. The energy is heavy, and yet we must learn to open our hearts and let our inner children play. There’s such a focus on the collective now, that it’s up to us to make sure that our personal fun tanks stay filled. Those fun tanks are the key to knowing if we’re on the right track this year. If they aren’t staying full, it’s time to check in and reassess.

I wanna make some kind of snarky comment about media personalities trying to act like kings, but that would be gauche. And too easy.

Here’s a chart I drew for the upcoming New Moon. Part of why I’m writing this North Node update now is that I think the upcoming month or so will be a crucial time for us to be aware of on our personal journey through North Node Leo.

New Moon in Cap Chart 2018

So you can see the North Node in the bottom right of the picture at 14 degrees of Leo. Its opposite sign is Aquarius (wavy lines symbol, not a great hand-drawn chart). Between the New Capricorn Moon on 1/16 and the New Aquarius Moon on 2/15, a bunch of those planets will pass through the South Node in Aquarius-Venus 1/30, Mercury 2/9, Sun 2/14. This means they will be in opposition to the north node. I think that during this time there will be some kind of crisis, making us aware of whether or not we are in line with our personal goals. We may be complacent as the planets pass through the South Node, relying too heavily on others or blaming others for our shortcomings. This next lunar cycle will be the place where we saw our plans materialize or fall apart. Mars won’t oppose the North Node til 6/8-10. So if we are ready now, the final push of this node cycle this summer should be easy. Later this fall the priorities change as the North Node shifts into Cancer, so make sure you get your heart right now-especially over the next month or so. Picking up momentum later will be hard.

Hope you are having a wonderful year developing your kingdoms. I personally have changed up a bunch of things and thrown myself off a cliff following my heart. Thanks for joining me on my journey.



P.S. Used my journal, my ephemeris, my Buddha Board for the header image, and checked THE ONLY ASTROLOGY BOOK YOU’LL EVER NEED by Joanna Woolfolk for reference.

1/16-New Capricorn Moon for the New Year!

Happy New Year!

This year is off to a great start, with a Full Cancer Moon on New Year’s Day. The moon is the ruler of the sign of Cancer, so a full moon in the sign means that the subconscious becomes conscious. Cancer is what is personal, our gooey feelings we keep under our crabby shell. Well, on New Year’s it was all that dark stuff we keep private on full display. We were aware of our feelings and expressed them openly.

Big changes since my last post on the holiday Mercury retrograde, including biggie-and-sometimes-baddie Saturn creeping up into Capricorn right at the end of last month. So for this new moon coming up on January 16, almost all of the personal planets will be in Cap! Check it out: Saturn at 3°, Mercury at 6°, Pluto at 19°, Sun and Moon (New Moon) both at 26°, led closely by Venus at 27°. That’s a lot of Capricorn!

New Moon in Cap Chart 2018

Quick recap, the new moon is the time when the moon appears dark in the sky. The sun and moon are considered to be at the same point in the zodiac. The new moon is when the seeds of the next month are planted, a time to reserve energy and rest and gather yourself for the time ahead. This is the end of the previous lunar cycle and the time leading to the next one, the transformation between the two somewhere in the dark of the moon.

The sign of Capricorn is earth, having to do with health and practical concerns. It’s Carnidal, meaning that it has an initiative quality, an outward-kind of direction as a general attitude. It is the 10th sign of the zodiac, and its association with the 10th house of public life means that what happens in the sign generally happens to all of us. Its ruling planet is Saturn (like Cronus, Father Time) which has to do with longevity, trials and the lessons they teach, and the sometimes harsh consequences of not learning the lessons. Capricorn is about reputation and legacy, what we have created in our time on this earth and what we leave behind for our next generation.

So nbd, right? This new moon, since I’ve become aware of its cycles, has always been a time of reflection and making plans. Last year’s happened at the end of 2016, and I spent it writing lists with a lot of life-changing things going on in the lives of those around me. The year before I spent it with a list of challenges of my own that were very difficult to face. The year before I was deciding on where to live. This year I find the New Capricorn Moon landing the consequences of my recent career changes, and here I am again, making lists, making plans, making moves, trying to keep the making continue.

A wise Capricorn that I know (and I think I reference this constantly now, but), he told me that a big part of the energy of Capricorn is moving through fear. So I think that because we’re coming out of the previous 2-1/2 year cycle of Saturn in fiery, idealistic, ever-expansive Sagittarius, Capricorn feels restrictive. Because that’s Saturn’s function, is to reign it in when we’ve gone overboard. Sag pushes the boundary, Capricorn comes in and redefines it. Like all fire-to-earth transitions, it’s like putting the clay into the kiln: what we have conceived will now take form. That can be scary, but part of the journey through Capricorn is owning that, collectively.

So if you’ll notice in that nifty chart I done drew, there are a ton of planets all up in Capricorn, but all those highlighter lines are pointing to the north node in Leo at 14°rx. Everything is moving counter-clockwise on that chart, so once those planets shift over into like 15° Aquarius in the next month, all this energy that’s building up will be unleashed.

That’s right! All that slugglishness that’s been going on since last Friday will kind of peak this weekend as Mercury and Saturn meet. But it’s actually building up to this new moon, which should help us get recharged for a crazy month. By the end of next week, Venus will break into Aquarius and give us a breath of fresh air. With all this energy moving into Aquarius and crossing the South Node, we will feel like a million things are going on at once. GET READY NOW. That’s what the energy about three days before and after the new moon on the 16th is about.

The other thing I’m seeing with this new moon is that it is conjunct Pluto and Venus. This means that there are probably some things simmering with others under the surface, but if you try to keep a win/win attitude you should all be able to come to a working agreement. Also, Jupiter in Scorpio this year is making us aware of long-term changes. Being charged up with Mars, and sextile all this Capricorn action (green lines above), means that we are aware and empowered to make changes as these small frictions may arise.

When talking about Saturn and Capricorn, it can be easy to talk about how tough they are. But they play hard when they feel like their hard work has been accomplished. If you have been killing it, take the new moon energy to step out and enjoy yourself by letting loose. If you have been slacking, get ready for that Saturn boot up your ass. Either way, you’ll probably end up making lists and organizing something. There’s literally too much to be done, and we’ll be aware of it.



P.S. Used my good ole ephemeris.

Stay tuned for a big update-probably with VIDEOS lol-of the major astrologies of 2018:)

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