
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan


January 2017

New Moon in Aquarius 1/27

Hi y’all,

The new moon lands at 8 degrees Aquarius tonight at 5.07pm MST. The new moon is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon, meaning they are both at the same point. The moon is in the Earth’s shadow and is dark for a few days. This symbolizes that the emotional/subconscious nature is in shadow, not yet illuminated by the conscious light of the Sun. It means we have a more primal energy, a more raw state that gives birth to a new energy, culminating with the full moon in Leo on February 10.

Aquarius is all about connection to the collective. How we maintain individuality and yet identify with groups of people. If it’s opposite sign of Leo is all about personal power and creativity, Aquarius is about people power and dreaming. Leo is ruled by our close-up star, the Sun. Aquarius is the far-off star, associated with clairvoyancy and vision. Traditionally ruled by Saturn, in modern astrology ruled by Uranus, Aquarius breaks the mold. It’s like the concept of genetic variance. If a gene pool is too shallow, it’s not good for the population. Aquarius comes in and gives us the alterations we need to keep the line moving into the future. The farsight of the Aquarian nature is ahead of its time. They have their finger on the future pulse, with their far-out knowledge directly sourced from somewhere else in the universe. Aliens, maybe? Who knows.

This moon cycle will have us thinking about how we fit into the collective. Over the next couple of days, it’s better to lay low and make plans to be carried out around the full moon. Are we contributing to what’s going on around us, or are we separate from it? Are we fulfilled in the roles we have in group settings? Are we happy with the identity we’ve cultivated within those roles? The seeds are being planted now.

A couple of things going on in the sky right now that activate this energy in different ways. First, the T-square of Uranus in Aries square Pluto/Mercury in Capricorn square Jupiter in Libra is still going strong. Election fallout, maybe? We are still actively engaged in transforming the public world we live in, and as these planets are generally very slow moving, we’ll be figuring it out for awhile. We are expanding relationships while totally rebelling against the self-image that has been brought into focus recently. Surprisingly, Saturn’s placement in Sagittarius right now is offering relief to this T-square. This means that having a solid, grounded understanding of the philosophies that rule your life can provide relief to the attention/stress caused by the T-square. After the last couple months, Saturn and it’s sextile to Jupiter in Libra is encouraging us to remain calm in the storm, reminding that Saturn lessons are hard but ultimately here for our growth.

Luckily! Mercury exits the shadow zone of the Retrograde in Capricorn today (think I listed it as leaving on the 29th, but that’s wrong). There’s been a LOT of Big-Picture Life Planning going on, everyone has had an intense drive to figure out long term goals over the last month. Well, starting today we get to move forward on a lot of the issues we’ve been dealing with, breaking into new territory after what seems like months of rigamarole. Mercury will be passing over Pluto again in a few days, and we’ll have more chances to transform and meet our struggles with power through communication. The difference now is that we will be able to move on rather than be stuck in a quagmire. Go get em!

In the next week or so, both Venus and Mars will be moving from the sign of Pisces to the sign of Aries. This indicates to me that we’ve been in a bit of a dream state, feeling unusually immersed in our subconscious/dreamstate. When they are both fired up in Aries, I expect we’ll feel more into ourselves. It will definitely increase aggression, in terms of objectives, knowing what you want and how to get it. These planets in Aries could also have us feeling more ‘selfish.’ Which is fine, unless you forget the interests of others while you’re getting yours. And when I say get yours, I mean get ready for some sensual times. I’ll write more about both of these events, including the upcoming Venus Retrograde. So! We’ve been all up in our dreamy selves, serving others, connecting to the universe. Now we’ll be connecting with our own damn selves.

Use the energy of this moon cycle to recharge your group energy. Friends, contacts, networks are all of tantamount importance at this time. Many times, we define ourselves through our interactions with others. This Aquarius energy emphasizes that. No man is an island, and we’ll be very aware of that now. Aquarius is also the sign of hopes and dreams, so now is the time to plant as many seeds as possible. How are you fertilizing these seeds? How are you cultivating each step toward your goals? Are you taking action every day to reach that far-off star? Any actions in that direction will take you far.



P.S. Used my ephemeris for the dates, the Buddha Board at Golden Braid Books to draw the image, and probably excerpts of SEXTROLOGY by Starsky and Cox.


Hey y’all,

Sun into Aquarius this afternoon. Got the date from my ephemeris, and got the image from:



Full Moon in Cancer 1/12

Hey hey,

Quick overview: Sun in Capricorn, Full Moon in Cancer at 4.34am MST 1/12/17

The last time the full moon happened in Cancer, it was Christmas day 2015. I didn’t write a blog about that one because I was SO FAR up in my feelings, and that’s what this moon does. First of all, Cancer is ruled by the moon. In a chart the moon is our emotional center, how we subconsciously process and react to things. I think of it as the internal realm, where people are usually aware of our external, conscious sun energy. Where the moon is located will show us where we will ebb and flow like the tides it causes. The full moon always shines a light on the area of the chart it falls, and is the culminating time of the previous new moon.

The last new moon was in Capricorn, sun and moon in same sign at 7°, meeting up exactly with Mercury retrograde (which I talked about a lot in the last post.) The Mercury rx energy is really infused into this whole moon cycle of Capricorn, this whole month. The new moon is the time when the moon is dark and primal, the impulses that are born during this time have not yet been lit by the conscious light of the sun. New drives in Cap energy have us focused on our long-term life goals, how we are going to build our legacy, and how to create in the physical realm all of the fiery, spiritual philosophies of the previous cycle of Sagittarius. And I have to say that the reason I didn’t post about the new moon when it happened a couple of weeks ago, on December 29, is that I was having some major life changes going on! I was learning to rethink the trajectory of my life. It sounds dramatic, and it is. But it’s not my story to tell, I just got to watch it unfold. And it’s good! Seems scary, but an astrologer I work with, Shawn, talked to me about how Capricorn is about moving through fear. People are having this crazy life-goals, Mercury rx, T-square, gotta focus on the big picture-type energy going on, people are figuring it out.

So that brings us to this full moon! The moon is on the opposite side of the chart today, and is in its home sign of Cancer. Cancer is the deepest part of our soul, the most private part of ourselves. It’s why Cancer is the Crab, because it hides its vulnerable parts (maybe we’ll talk about the clinging pincers another time). In the chart, Cancer is associated with origins and the past/memories, energy you’ve inherited from your mom, and your innermost soul. It’s the moment in your life development when you discover your own individuality, the core of your inner realm. So when the moon is in its home sign and all lit up like today, that means a big spotlight of consciousness is glaring into all the nooks and crannies that usually stay dark. A keyword of any full moon is heightened emotions, but this is heightened emotions AND comprehension of all those dark places. Our souls are exposed right now, there’s nowhere to hide. The position of the moon now also makes that T-square going on into a full-blown Grand Cross for a day or two. We will have a lot of attention drawn to things that need action to be taken. Whether that motivation is an internal pressure or a response to external circumstances, right around now we will be feeling the need to GET IT DONE.

Learn from what comes up now! The reason this is the culmination of the new moon in Capricorn is that we can fully connect internally to our new life goals. If we don’t have that deep soul connection to our objectives, then how would we accomplish anything? It’s generally the idea the most opposite signs are Cancer and Capricorn, the internal and the external, the personal and the worldly. But in this moon cycle, they work in tandem. We have to shine a light in the dark corners to make sure we know we’re on the right path.

On another train of thought entirely, this last moon cycle has been exactly on point productive as far as life and career goals. I’ve been developing a personal website for my day job, and having the goal marks of going public today during Mercury in the retrograde shadow zone happening has been a trip! I’ve been working on these public career goals, and yet going live with it today seems apropos because it’s intensely personal, it’s really my soul out there for anyone to see. This website building could have happened anytime, but it’s poignant that it’s now. The idea that these cycles always happen, I have a couple of weeks to implement an idea before the full moon, etc. That idea gives deadlines, an exquisite pressure, to accomplish whatever goals you want. I continue to like the idea of astrology as a meditative practice based on natural cycles (even though the mystical element appeals to my more romantic side). Set a goal, go do the thing. Do it with the moon behind you, and watch out! Hahaha.

Thanks for reading!



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