
Willpower Astrology

SL,UT based Astrologer and Tarot Artisan



Full Blue Moon in Libra 3/31/18

Hi again,

The upcoming Full Moon is the second Blue Moon this year, meaning it’s the second month in which two Full Moons occur. There wasn’t a Full Moon in February, which is sometimes referred to as a Dark Moon. This Blue Moon shines at 10° Libra tomorrow morning, Saturday, March 31, at 6.37am MST.

Full Moons are when the Sun and Moon are furthest from each other in the lunar cycle. This weekend’s Moon in Libra is in opposition to the Sun in Aries. This cycle began with the new Moon in Pisces, which I made a video post about here. So if this monthly cycle is about healing and dreams, this Full Libra Moon puts a spotlight on relationships, sharing, and balance.

The moon fully reflects the sun’s light on a Full Moon, meaning that the subconscious becomes conscious (werewolf metaphors and such).  Wherever 10° Libra falls in your chart will show you in what area of your life you will feel it most-but we will see it express itself in this Libra kind of energy.

Venus is the ruler of the sign of Libra, and here is concerned with partnerships in particular. The planet of beauty is also brought to life through artistic expression in this sign, as a means for sharing with and appreciation by others. Like the Scales totem, Venus seeks balance and harmony in Libra. Both within the self, and within the environment.

The 7th astrological House is associated with Libra and partnerships. As opposed to the Aries “I AM,” Libra’s motto is “WE ARE.” It’s the sign of the Other rather than the Self. As a mental-energy air sign, Libra values analysis and communication, constantly balancing the needs of others sometimes above their own.

So what does this mean?

It might seem like the needs or concerns of others take precedence this weekend. People might demand things of us that we weren’t prepared for, especially with how up our own skirts we are during this Mercury Retrograde. The Moon and Mercury will be in direct opposition, which is an aspect of tension through circumstances. I think this Moon invites us to listen rather than speak in order to communicate more effectively-and because this is a Full Moon, there are likely to be many words. People have something to say, and rather than respond thoughtlessly, we are being invited to truly hear what is being said by those around us. This is that one moment of the Mercury Retro where stressing about yourself isn’t the way. Other People have the answers this weekend-and Other People will assist us in this healing, dreamy pattern of the New Moon in Pisces cycle that seems so ethereal. They are talking. Hear the words that are coming out of Their mouth before inserting your own.

The Full Moon in Libra passes through a T-square with Sun/Mercury in Aries and Mars/Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn this weekend, which means things could be quite busy and potentially draining. There might be a lot of stressful things going on, but in this case remembering the energy of Cancer will bring balance-emotion, intuition, and nurturing. Don’t block yourself off from your feelings, let that water flow and you can put out any fires that alight.

We will also be incredibly aware of beauty this weekend. Take it in! Libra loves to share beautiful things, so don’t wait, be the one sharing. The more you let your light shine, people will reflect it back at you. And then they might go do the same for someone else. What you give comes back to you, and this Moon will show you that.

Good times! Know I’m busy af this weekend but I’m surrounded by awesome people, so it should be pretty breezy:)

Hope you have an awesome one!



P.S. Used by ephemeris and Buddha Board to make this stuff.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries 3/22-4/15

It is ye olde timme again.

That special time that only comes three or four times a year!

That’s right, we’re creeping up on Mercury Retrograde (dun dun DUUUUUN!). It starts TONIGHT at 6.17pm MST.

Mercury is the ruler of the signs of Gemini and Virgo, both mutable in quality, as this planet has to do with communication, intellect, and integration. It’s like the corpus callosum in the brain, connecting the two hemispheres into one unit. Most planets have a male or female quality associated with them (Venus is female, Mars is male, etc.), but Mercury is both and neither- it moves between them. It’s language and hearing and listening.

Retrograde motions happen when a planet seems to slow down to a stop in the sky, then go backwards for a while, stop and move forward again. The planet is not changing direction, but rather its orbit relative to the earth makes it look that way from where we are. This means that the retrograde planet appears to cover the same area of the sky three times-first in the shadow zone (this one began on March 9), then in the retrograde phase (tonight through April 15), and a third time as it exits the shadow zone and breaks into new territory (May 3). While the retrograde phase is interpreted as the most disruptive, themes that fall within the shadow zone or total retrograde transit will be revisited three times. When retrogrades occur, we are actually closer to that planet’s orbit than at other times so astrologically it tends to make that energy more personal and internalized.

When Mercury goes retrograde, anything having to do with communication seems to go haywire. Emails and texts get wonky. Conversations can be misinterpreted more easily. Even your steady train service or daily commute might have some hiccups. Traditional advice for these periods includes not signing contracts, beginning or ending a serious relationship, or making major life changes. This is because you are likely to change your mind later, after you have reevaluated your thinking. Impressions are impermanent during Mercury Retrograde.

In the sign of Aries, Mercury is reflecting on Identity. Aries’ motto is I AM. It’s the first sign of the zodiac, and where it falls in your chart is where you want to be a strong and independent leader. Aries are very pioneering, and they burn hot like the Cardinal (initiative or outgoing) fire (spiritual energy) signs they are. Aries rules the head, and like the ram, they knock down obstacles head-on. In the wheel of the zodiac Aries lines up with the astrological First House, which represents birth, the body, and the Self. Mercury is the intellect and how we think and speak, so we might be a little bit self-involved during this time-which is exactly for what the retrograde calls. I think we’ll really be looking at things and thinking, “Is this Me?” during this retrograde. We might have to define what is, in fact, Me. If only to ourselves.

With Saturn and Pluto bringing serious depth and change to the social stage in Capricorn, a lot of this Mercury Rx self-exploration might be because we are experiencing dissonance between what we feel personally and what is going on around us. Things that are going on in the world should make you reevaluate your own position, and a retrograde like this is a great time to change your mind. Because it seems you are being forced to, from all sides. Aries and Capricorn are square to each other, an aspect of tension that expresses through attention to urgent matters.

However, sociopersonal identity crises aside, the very nice thing about this retrograde to me is that it doesn’t seem to actually involve others much. It’s not about examining your relationships, work, or outside social influences. It falls solely in the sign of the Self. As Mercury goes retro tonight, it’s still in conjunction with Venus, which softens and gives grace. So we are actually quite likely to feel good about ourselves, which might be counter-intuitive to everyone who hears me blame everything on Mercury Retrograde ad nauseum (and it might make us lazy with aforementioned social influences, like “I-feel-good-about-me-it’s-thems-who-need-to-change”). This retrograde is harmoniously trine to the North Node in Leo (Part I and Part II), which means that we will be checking in with our overall spiritual goals and development during this time. At the end of March, the Moon will be full in Libra (second Blue Moon since January-real busy year), so you might get some fireworks from others around then but I say just grab some popcorn and watch.

In short, this retrograde will make you examine if what you are doing is in line with who you actually are. You might feel like making big changes, but see what you feel like doing in a couple weeks, too. It might be different by then.



P.S. Used my ephemeris and Buddha Board to make this:)

Jupiter in Libra til next September

—I drew that masterpiece with Jupiter in Libra artistic powers! 🙂

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and luck, called the Great Benefic. Related to philosophy and the pursuit of knowledge, Jupiter also carries with it a sense of justice. One of the generational planets, it spends about a year in each sign, affecting you by relation to other planets in your chart. Otherwise, it impacts those born around the same year as you collectively. Where it lands in your birth chart will show where you want to grow in this life, and can also indicate where you will receive opportunities and help.

Libra is the cardinal air sign, the first of the southern hemisphere (the top of the chart). The first six signs are related to personal development, and Libra is where we begin to consider others. Its totem is the only inanimate object of the zodiac, the Scales. Libra seeks to find balance-within and without. They are tactful peacekeepers on a high vibe and shameless shit-stirrers on the low, disrupting natural balances. They can be indecisive, not knowing the best course of action because they can get carried away in everyone else’s viewpoint. Being ruled by Venus, Libra’s external locus gives much importance to aesthetics. Creative energies are cultivated in earlier signs, but artistic means and expression really take off in the sign of Libra. This sign is like the light, shining on the surface of all things, and what is revealed and experienced in that seeing. This can create a form-over-function mentality in a Libra-heavy chart, as deeper probing and understanding, the real digging into dark, scary corners, are handled by the following sign of Scorpio.

Jupiter entered Libra last Friday and will be in the sign until September 11 of next year. This means that the qualities of Libra will experience expansion and growth over the next year, and the areas of your chart that Libra flows through is where you can expect to see those qualities blossom. We’ve been working on ourselves really hard the last six years under the supportive guidance of Jupiter thru Aries to Virgo. Now our relationships are going to benefit from that same nourishment. We might also experience a more profound connection to the arts and creative expression. This next year makes the Venus-ruled light of Libra shine like nothing else, and we will feel inclined to share the bounty of these blessings with the people in our life. We will be compelled to find the MOST BALANCE.

So this isn’t about people we see every day on our commute or at work, nor is it about the networks of friends or social groups with which we connect. This year is all about the one-on-one relationships in our lives. Libra is the natural ruler of the 7th house: The Other or what I Am Not, and Partnerships. Interestingly, the 7th is also the house of Open Enemies. This next year we will find our focus on trying to balance the people in our lives. This goes two ways, because the people in our lives will also be focusing on trying to balance with us. This is a great time to work on those relationships because both you and your partner will endeavor to come from a place of understanding. During this next year, we might find people helping us for no apparent reason and we might find that we can bring a special kind of medicine to others as well. The last time Jupiter was in Libra, I was in school and made friends and connections that I still keep in touch with to this day. We might find a bunch of new people coming into our life, and that’s awesome! We will feel able to balance what they bring to the table, and they will want to do the same. Conversely, if you have an epic beef, this year might help you confront those crazies and get everything out in the open. Fortunately, under Jupiter we will feel less inclined to go there (at least until he goes thru Scorpio:). You might be seeing the people in your life in a new light, and they will be seeing and assessing you, too. The focus on the balance elements of Libra are a guide here. Hopefully, we really spend this time getting in tune with each other.

Jupiter in Libra will draw awareness to the pleasure derived in beautiful things. Our sense of aesthetics will be very heightened during this time. We’ll have a renewed appreciation for storytelling, visual and performing arts, music, anything that appeals to the senses. Our desire to share things we might have created in such an endeavor will be greater as well. This is a perfect year to learn that guitar you always wanted to get into, to try that painting class you were nervous about, or to get into writing that next literary classic (like this blog right here:). You’ll have no shortage of inspiration while Jupiter is in this sign. The problem with this might be that old Libra indecision, doubting your creative impulses. Don’t! Just grow and create and allow Jupiter to do his magic. Or, we might feel like what we created isn’t as good as we imagined, our aesthetics might be so sharp now that we can’t live up to the vision in our heads. Again, Jupiter is trying to get us to grow, and sometimes that expansion is painful. But the rose couldn’t bloom if it stayed in its bud, you know? Trust the growth process and don’t be afraid to share, or to ask for help! This is such a brilliant placement for artists and creative-types. If that’s not you, it’s amazing still to get new ideas flowing. Libra is an air sign, having to do with mental energies and intellect. The ideas will be fairly bursting to get out during this time. Trust them and talk it out! You’ll never be better supported by others to bring those visions to life than this year. And the visions you have are so lovely. Share them.

Another thing I’m thinking about with this transit, is that because everyone experiencing a new blooming in their relationships, and those developments being expressed artistically all over, we will be inclined to share. A lot. We will be sharing all over the damn place. A lot of times with this sharing we will encounter ideas that don’t jive with us, but we will be in a place to really understand what seemed foreign to us before. And because Jupiter is strongly tied to ideas of social justice and equality, in this sign it will give a lot of people a lot of perspectives that they hadn’t stepped into and tried on before. I had a friend recently post about “social justice fatigue” on the fb, and I have to say we’re only at the beginning. This next year will highlight these kinds of issues, and I think a lot of the growth of this transit comes from how much talking we’re all going to be doing over the next year. We will all be seeing each other in a new light. It is my hope that our online and real life encounters over the next year will utilize this Libra Jupiter energy, and rather than fight to be right in these kinds of discussions we will truly hear what is being said to us and emerge with fresh ears to hear. Justice is a theme of this next year, and we will feel it personally and collectively. If it is unjust for any, it is unjust for all. This won’t be the year about people remaining silent and by default choosing the side of the oppressor. This is the year for us all to speak truth to power, for we truly have what is just and what is right on our minds. Bring it.

Overall, this transit will compel us to find balance and we will then find luck when do. Where this is located in your chart will indicate where you are seeking this balance. My friend and I were just talking as this begins in both of our sixth houses about work-life balance, and I just gotta soak up those lovely aesthetic vibes this morning! 😉

Go get em!



P.s. There’s probably a bit of SEXTROLOGY by Starsky and cox in this here post.

P.p.s. used my ephemeris (and probably Shawn’s) to calculate some folks that are going to have a lot of growth this year, for some reason. Research nerd. Went back to the beginning of the last century, just in case there are centenarian readers out there.

Those who have Jupiter in Libra in their natal chart will be having a great time with their Jupiter Return! Only happens every 12 years. Expanding and blessing what are already your own magic powers:) Also coming back to the lessons Jupiter has to teach you from the time you were born. Those years are:




8/26/45-9/26/46 (Peace? Justice?)

12/14/56-2/19/57 and 8/8/57-1/14/58 and 3/21/58-9/8/58 (Jupiter’s normal retrograde cycle went over the cusp of other signs this time, and again in…)

11/16/68-3/31/69 and 7/16/69-12/17/69 and 5/1/70-8/16/70




If that’s you, we’ll done! You did it.

P.p.p.s. It is my warning now that any secrets, lies, indiscretions, etc. that you indulge in at this time WILL COME BACK TO YOU during the next year of Jupiter in Scorpio. The skeletons are all going to be dug out of the closet after this, so spend this buoyant year cleaning out that closet if you need to do so. The truth WILL come out, so trying to hide anything at this time will only dig you into a deeper hole. Snoochie boochies.

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