Hi y’all,

Tomorrow’s new moon is exact at 3.15pm MDT (Daylight Savings ends this Sunday!) at 12° Scorpio. This is the time to set new intentions dealing with release. Out with the old, in with the new. Leaves are falling in the northern hemisphere and winter is on its way.

Today (Wed 3) Mercury exits the shadow of Mercury Retrograde in Libra. We are able to move on to new topics and ideas, and into new territory of communication, likely deepening connections or intensity as Mercury zips through Scorpio through November 24. Mercury will enter Scorpio on Friday at 4.35pm MDT, preceded by Venus at 4.44am. All this Scorpio energy building up at this time seems like an invitation to make changes and let go of what’s not growing anymore. Because!…

The full moon in Taurus on November 9 will also be a Partial Solar Eclipse, changing the eclipses through summer of ’23. The actions of this month will echo through the next six months to a year or through next spring and fall’s eclipses. Wherever Taurus lands in your chart will be getting an overhaul over the next year or so.

Then right before the next New Moon In Sagittarius on 12/4, the outer generational planet Neptune will station direct. This watery spiritual delusional soupy love art magic planet is retrograde about half the year and will be direct through next summer. Because its cycles are so huge I generally don’t look too closely at Neptune, but stationing direct at this time might have effects. Like maybe weird dreams, or being overwhelmed by emotional stimuli, or suddenly being swept away in a current. Neptune dissolves and brings everything back to the ocean again, so wherever 20° Pisces is in your chart you might be feeling things, and not knowing where it came from. Just like this moon cycle, keep breathing and release.

